Chapter 12: Daffodils

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Warning: mention of drugs.

Sorry for the mistakes :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk kind of expected Taehyung to not show up at Nebula and his shop for the next few days and the days being a whole week.

Jeongguk was fine, he could walk properly without any hindrance or pain. His stomach and face had the bruise but they didn't hurt. He missed two races and couldn't attend his appointments for four days, he gave up the shitty rest on fifth day.

Jimin and Yoongi knew about the guys who attacked him because Jeongguk told them and he did this time too but sparing them the encounter with Taehyung completely because he'd rather not speak about it---and he'll never.

Jeongguk doesn't know why he feels a little, just very little guilty of what he did to Taehyung after ne helped him. He saved him from losing his money and he took care of his injuries---all these things completely not suitable to a Kim.

Jeongguk has a rather hard time believing that the arrogant and cold Kim Taehyung actually helped someone lower than his status.

Jeongguk knows what he did was right because of he hadn't, Taehyung would again have an upper hand on him and Jeongguk can not let that happen.

If Taehyung can use money to degrade him then he'll use the only thing he can; words.

He doesn't put much thought to it because he knows that sooner or later, Taehyung will be calling him or knocking on his door.


"Yugyeom's not giving me enough." Jeongguk says. He's in Yoongi's shop, helping the other a bit in his work.

"You give him enough money?" Yoongi asks and the racer nods.

"Of course I do." Jeongguk says. Yoongi puts down the tool he's holding but he doesn't get up rather looks at Jeongguk with a gaze that Jeongguk has always---not really liked.

"Hyung, don't look at me like that." Jeongguk says as he looks away from Yoongi's piercing gaze. He hates it. He hates the lingering question behind those eyes, the way they look at him.

Jeongguk doesn't get any answer and he looks at his hyung then again, finds the eyes soften but still the way as if a parent is about to scold a child.

"Hyung! Don't start with that shit again." Jeongguk says.

"I didn't even say a word." Yoongi says.

"But your eyes say it all." Jeongguk replies, looks at the older the way he does but fails to do so.

"Then listen to me! It's for your own fucking good." Yoongi exclaims, gets up and steps towards him. "I've been telling you for long enough---".

"You're worrying in vain." Jeongguk says.

"Vain! Vain? I'm fucking sure you very well remember what happened---".

"Stop talking to me about that every chance you get!" Jeongguk cuts his words, raises his voice.

"I haven't! I haven't talked about that fir so long but I  have to because you're forgetting what happened!" Yoongi says.

"I haven't forgotten that okay! I haven't and I don't want you to ever remind me that." Jeongguk was furious because he really didn't want to be reminded of that.

It was his fault, okay but it wasn't gonna happen again and he wants Yoongi to never talk about it.

"You are forgetting that you fucking overdosed just two years ago and it's gonna happen again if you keep taking that shit!" Yoongi was furious too but he was not losing it Jeongguk was.

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