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He was the only thing on her mind. As she stands at the stove in front of her, and stares blankly into the mac and cheese that stirs in the pot...he was on her mind.

His smile and his laugh and his sweet, sweet accent. He was embedded in her brain like a stitch and she didn't want it to go away anytime soon.

She had never been so fascinated with someone. He was just so different. So kind and humble and beautiful.

He had painted nails and rings. It wasn't often she saw that on men. And he didn't hesitate to flaunt it.

And yet, she wasn't the only one thinking about the plane ride.

He had her stuck in his head. Her soft voice playing like a broken record.

Her delicate smile.

Her nails were multicolored. He remembers looking down at his chipping black nails and thinking to himself,

That's a good idea.

So, here he is, painting each nail a different color. Not so neatly, though.

He wondered where she was right now. What she's was doing at this very moment. Who's lucky enough to be in her presence.

He is so infatuated with her.

Fleur wishes she had stayed back. Maybe she'd have his number by now. They'd be texting and she could be able to get to know him more.

If only.

"Fleur, the pot's on fire."

Her eyes widen at the flames erupting from the mac and cheese. She rushes to grab a cup of water and pours it inside quickly. The fire sizzles out, leaving the once yellow gooeyness charred and black. 

Exhaling, she steps back and looks over to Lavender, her younger sister.

"We can order a pizza." Fleur suggests.

"Were you thinking about Jesse again?" The small blonde smirks.

Fleur shifts uncomfortably as she looks for the pizza place number on the fridge. She doesn't look at Lavender as she speaks again.

"We uh...we broke up." She quickly replies.

"What?" The young girl gasps.


"What's happening?" Maggie, the oldest Grimaldi inquires as she enters, a bag of chips in her hands.

"What're you doing here?" Fleur questions her.

She shrugs, "Got bored at home."

"You need a boyfriend." Lavender remarks before turning to Fleur, "She's here more than you."

"To watch your dumbass." Maggie counters.

"Dad could always find someone else."

"Whatever, what's going on with Fleur?"

"Her and Jesse broke up."

Maggie chokes on the chip she's eating. She hunches over and coughs up the food. After wiping her mouth, she then chugs half a glass of water before saying another word.

"What happened?!"

Fleur remains quiet. Maggie turns to Lavender.

"Get out."


"Because I said so!" She shoves the girl.

"Why can't I be here?"

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