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"Harry, no."

"Why not?"

"Because no."

"Why not?"

"Do you realize what you're asking me?"

"Well I would hope so."

"You want to hang up a nude photo of me in our living room."

"That is what I said, yes."

"Not happening."

"Come on! Imagine how powerful that would be! Just you in the living room right there over the fireplace."

"For everyone to see."

"I'm proud of you!"

"Then you have to hang one up of yourself."

"Never mind."

It's been three hours into packing up Fleur's things in the apartment. It's also safe to say tensions are high. Especially since they're supposed to be in London within the next few days or else Harry will lose his spot at the studio he rented.

Not to mention Fleur hadn't even told her family yet. Which could most definitely cause a few issues.

"Why don't you ever wear this for me?" Harry scoffs, lifting up a set of a lingerie.

"Huh." She laughs, "I forgot I had that."

"Well, I won't let you forget again, I'll be sure of it." He mumbles as he tosses it into the box.

"You guys hungry? I made grilled cheese and tomato soup." June pops her head in like a soccer mom to her kids.

"Oh, yum!" Harry claps his hands together as he scrambles to his feet to race into the kitchen.

"You know, it's only a matter of time before someone in your family finds out and spreads it." June tells Fleur as they make their way to the kitchen.

"I know. I'm just nervous."

"For what? Your dad is in love with Harry, although who isn't? Jackie wants nothing but the best for you. Josh would just be sad you won't be working with him but then again he works with his girlfriend. Maggie would be happy to hear she can finally walk around here naked. The only person you'd have to worry about is Lavender."

"That's why I'm nervous." Fleur admits. "I don't want to see her reaction. I can't...I can't just leave her."

"But that's life. It's time for you to move forward with the love of your life and and other half, Harry Edward Styles."

Just as she's saying this, the two both stop at the counter to see Harry taking a huge bite out of the tomato soup soaked sandwich. Red juice dribbles down his chin as he chews the large bite with a grin.

Fleur turns to June, "Is it too late to back out?"


A few more hours pass by and Harry, June, and Fleur all continue boxing up Fleur's clothes and belongings. They're all playing loud music and dancing around together. The couple sways around the room, taking turns spinning and dipping each other.

Harry stops short as he peers into her closet, his smile growing.

"Petal?" He smirks, peering inside.

"Yes, my pearl?" She nonchalantly responds, whipping her head around to see him better.

Harry pulls out a heap of clothing and lifts it up to her. Immediately, her lip pouts out as she coos at him and grabs the clothes.

PETAL | HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now