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"You're back!"

Upon their arrival, June can't help but jump up from the couch and charge at the couple with open arms. But, those arms are thrown around Harry, sending him stumbling back a bit.

Fleur watches them with a smirk before extending an open hand to Harry.

"You owe me a fresh twenty." She simply tells him.

Begrudgingly, he hands over the bill.

"How was I supposed to know she'd come to me first?"

"Because any chance I can get to hug Harry Styles, I will." June proudly says to him while behind her, Fleur mouths along as if she's heard it a million times.

She has. And that was even before he was in their life.

"I don't know how to feel about this." Harry murmurs more to himself.

"I'm so glad you're home, though." June faces Fleur, hugging her tightly.

"Me too. As much as I love being trapped in hotel rooms with Harry...I was trapped in hotel rooms....with Harry and well, you can only handle so much of drunk Harry stumbling half naked around the room while he sings old One Direction songs." Fleur exhales, earning an instant nudge from Harry.

"I don't do that!" He exclaims before turning to June with a breathless laugh, "I don't do that."

"This isn't information I wanted, it was information I needed." June whispers. "So how much sex did you guys have?" She blurts.

"Okay! It's late, so we're gonna get to bed." Fleur announces, grabbing Harry's arm as he drops the luggage by the door.

She drags him away, but that doesn't stop him from turning and mouthing "nonstop" to June.

Inside her bedroom, Fleur tiredly brushes her teeth and slips out of her plane clothes while Harry hooks his phone up to a charger and sets his alarms.

They meet in the middle, Fleur wearing the shirt he had tossed on the floor while he wears nothing but his boxers. Two pieces of thin fabric in between them  which gives them many ideas.

But, they both silently agree that June is in the other room and chances are she's eavesdropping. Not to mention they're both exhausted.

So, she crawls under the covers and opens her arms for Harry to join her. He does with joy, curling up in her arms in content.


The following morning, Fleur wakes to an empty bed. Her heart sinks a bit in hopes to see Harry like she always does, but it's nothing but a piece of paper where he once lied.

She picks it up and reads it over.

Went home to get ready for lunch with Mitch. Made coffee. I'll call you as soon as I can.

I love you forever. H

He had left it there with a kiss to her head before slipping out of the room.

It's starting to hit her that's she's no longer in that dreamy world with Harry. She's back in reality where she has to do normal people things. No more sleeping in and lazy kitchen make out sessions with him.

Now she's lazily getting ready for her first day back at work. Jackie would have let her take the day off since she had landed so late, but apparently she needs her back at work. Though, Fleur just thinks it's because Jackie misses her.

June is in the kitchen when Fleur emerges from the bathroom, dressed for work. She's sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of cereal in front of her.

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