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"Harry Styles doesn't cry at the Titanic." June speaks aloud as she types into her phone.

Fleur sits across the table from her, eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"You're really making it harder for me to want to tell you things." She mutters, her fingers curling around the spoon that rests in her oatmeal.

"Well since you're not letting me meet him, I might as well get as much info about him as possible. I can't believe I know things about him most fans don't." She squeals.

"There's a lot I've left out. Don't forget that."

June sighs heavily, "And it kills me everyday."

"Alright, I gotta go." Fleur declares, glancing at the time.

"Where are you off to?" The raven haired girl sits up in surprise.

"Gotta watch Lav. I'll probably be home before six."

"Take your time!" June awkwardly chuckles as Fleur rises to grab her keys.


"This is stupid." Lavender remarks as she walks alongside Fleur in the nearest Target.

Fleur is pushing a cart down the aisle, scanning the shelves of various school supplies. They've been in the back to school section for about thirty minutes now, and all Lavender had grabbed was a pack of erasers that were in the shape of sushi.

Though she demonstrated clear irritation, Fleur noted to come back to get her own pack.

"Oh come on, Lav, lighten up. There's so much to look forward to! I mean you're starting middle school!" The older Grimaldi encourages, nudging the younger girl.

"Which only leads to high school which then leads to the downfall of my mental health."

"High school is a great experience!"

"Fleur, you cried almost everyday each year you were there."

Her mouth falls into the shape of an 'O' at this attack, blinking blankly. She clears her throat and scratches the back of her neck.

"Well...good thing high school is a long way from now. Look! Pencils!"

Lavender rolls her eyes and approaches the shelf, grabbing a pack of mechanical pencils to toss into the cart. It's the least she can do for Fleur.

"Can't we do this another day?" She grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sadly not. Dad said today and you start school next week."

"Can't he just take me on the weekend or something? While we do something fun today?"

"He doesn't have time, Lav." Fleur softly tells her.

Lavender's entire face physically falls. Fleur notices this.

"Of course not." She quietly huffs. "I'm going to grab some notebooks, I guess."

Biting her lip, Fleur watches as Lavender trudges around the corner. She frowns to herself at Lavender's comment. It seemed very pointed at their father.

Something's up.

Fleur pushes the cart toward where Lavender went and rounds the corner to find her sitting on a bottom shelf, her head in her hands. She has her hands pressed to her eyes as she's hunching over her knees.

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