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Thanksgiving. Some hate it, some love it. It's definitely not Fleur's favorite. The holiday lost its appeal after her mom died. Things just weren't the same then.

Frankly, this is going to be the first Thanksgiving where things are going to be relatively normal. Though, being as Jackie would be joining, it's most likely drama waiting to happen.

June couldn't afford to fly home for the holiday. She's been pretty upset about it so Fleur made sure she had a place at the table today. But considering she's been boning her sister, she would've had one either way.

No one else knows about Maggie and June. And Fleur still hasn't spoken to Maggie about it. Nothing against her, she just hasn't left her bed in days.

That may be an over exaggeration, but she definitely hasn't left the apartment other than for work. But she definitely hasn't been the same since things with Harry had gone south. She hates the effect he has in her, but she can't help it.

As for the other side, it's the same. Harry's tried to be social and enjoy his time with his family, but when it comes down to the end of the day and he's lying in bed, he misses her like no other. Hell, he misses her in the daytime, too. He wants to be around her 24/7 and that's not often for people he knows.

Today only reminds them of how alone they are. Being as couples surround them, it really gets them thinking. That should be them. They should be able to have a cute Thanksgiving.

So, Harry vowed that by the next round of holidays, she'll be right by his side. Hopefully sooner.

"Everything okay in here?" June enters Fleur's room.

Looking around, she sees Fleur sitting on the floor as she does her makeup. It's been pretty quiet in the room which was beginning to concern June.

"Everything is great." Fleur slaps on a crooked smile for her best friend.

Crossing her arms, June raises a brow.

"You sure?" She presses.

Fleur nods firmly. But, June doesn't believe her considering the fact that 'Sign of the Times' is flowing from her speakers.

She decides not to urge her any further. There's already too much happening in her life. The last thing she needs is a best friend who's constantly badgering her.

By the afternoon, Fleur eventually emerges from her room. There are tears in her eyes as she stands before June whom is seated on the couch, waiting.

"I'm wearing his favorite lipstick." She croaks out.

June lets out a small sigh and rises, wrapping an arm around her best friend.

"Come on, let's go." She quietly says.

Fleur is more upset about Harry than she ever has been about Jesse. Which says a lot. Maybe it's the fact that she could easily just be with Harry and knows she can't. Not if she wants him to be happy.

Though Harry would argue he's happiest with her.


"You guys made it!" Is the first thing that comes out of her father's mouth.

He looks content. Like everything's coming together. Fleur couldn't be more grateful for such a blessing in his life. She knows it's Jackie that's being a big help. Despite it being extremely awkward, she's happy for them.

It seems Lavender is getting used to Jackie being around. The two look like two peas in a pod. Which is great considering the last time everyone sat down for a dinner with Jackie, it ended in Lavender dyeing her whole head pink.

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