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When Fleur arrives to the studio home, she can already hear the sound of panicked speaking through the front door. So, she shakily fumbles with the key Harry had given her, unlocking the door quickly.

Everyone is gathered in the main room, where Harry lies on the couch. She can barely spot him due to the swarm of bodies surrounding him.

"Fleur! Hey!" Sarah announces, urging everyone to make way.

They all step aside and she finally gets a good look of him. There goes her heart again. Stress is beginning to flood her veins and she feels weak.

Harry lies on his side, knees pulled toward his chest. His hair is a mess, pressed against his damp forehead. There's a pained expression on his face and his eyes are shut tightly. He's holding a rag to his mouth with his blood stained hands, where more blood stains the white fabric.

When he opens his bloodshot eyes, they soften at her.

"Hi petal." He greets quietly, but the bleeding hasn't stopped and more dribbles down his already stained chin.

That's when she falls back, eyes rolling to the back of her skull.


"I am such an idiot!"

Mitch glances to the frantic man, pacing the floor, "If you want me to disagree with you then well..."

Harry tugs at his hair, storming across the waiting room tiles.

"I'm so stupid, I practically almost killed my girlfriend!" He continues, becoming more and more angrier at himself.

"She's going to be okay. Her father said so himself. It's happened so many times before, they just have to handle it." Sarah reassures him.

"Just seeing her fall back. The sound. God, I could throw up."

"You did." Mitch states, "All over the floor."

"And then again outside of the car window." Sarah adds.

"Mr. Styles?" A doctor calls into the room.

Harry shuffles over to him.

"That's me. I am he. I am Mr. Styles." He nervously speaks.

"I'd like to speak with you in private about Ms. Grimaldi."

So, Harry innocently follows the doctor into his office. All while Fleur sits in her hospital bed, hooked up to IVs with her father seated beside her.

Her nurse enters the room.

"Dr. Quinn is speaking with Mr. Styles right now." She announces before going to check Fleur's IV drip.

"But...." Her father trails off before his eyes pop open.

Fleur covers her mouth quickly.

"Oh no."

"So," Doctor Quinn folds his hands, "Fleur is going to be just fine. She's just had a bit of a shock. She'll recover in no time as long as she rests for a little bit. I do suggest keeping her out of any stressful situations for the time being considering it could be dangerous for the baby."

Harry sits in the wooden chair, completely still. He swallows thickly, blinking at the doctor in front of him. His hands grip his knees, feeling suddenly nervous and clammy.

"I'm sorry, um...did you say...did you say baby?"

"Well yes, I assumed you knew this because Fleur said you two were dating. Unless...oh boy. My apologies." Doctor Quinn sighs.

PETAL | HARRY STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now