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When Fleur arrives back to the apartment the next morning, June is eating breakfast alone. Judging by the puffiness of her eyes and the red tint on her nose, she's been crying. It matches Fleur's current features as well.

They make immediate eye contact, gazes locking. Neither of them dare to utter a word. Both just staring intensely.

This is when Fleur jumps forward and collapses to her knees, throwing her arms around her best friend. June's shocked at the sudden movement, hearing the sound of Fleur's sobs as her body shakes against her own.

With her fingers running through Fleur's tangled hair, she frowns to herself. Fleur doesn't move for a while, only crying into June's arm like her life depends on it.

It's not until she pulls away that June places her hands on her glistening face, waiting for her to say something.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just walked out." She sniffles, staring up at June.

"You had every right to. It's kind of crappy of me to sleep around with your sister and not tell you. But I had to respect her wishes because she wasn't ready to come out." June explains softly.

"Well I'm glad you didn't just out her. I still need to talk to her but...I'm happy for you guys. I don't think I'd want anyone else for her than you. You're good for her."

A smile spreads across June's face, "I am, aren't I?"

Nodding, Fleur laughs, "Haven't seen her glow in a while. Never knew where it was coming from...but I'm glad to know it's you."

"Me too." June sits up, "But, I can't help but remember the look on your face when you walked in. Something happened."

Leave it to June to care more about another person's feelings rather than her own. Fleur still feels as though she owes her a better reaction to her finding out she's with her sister. But she also knows June's changing the subject for a reason.

So, she sighs and leans her back against the leg of the chair behind her.

"I think it's safe to say we won't be seeing much of Harry anymore."

June straightens up with wide eyes before she nods. "I really haven't seen any of him but that's okay! What happened?"

"I think he basically admitted he had feelings for me. And I told him we couldn't be together because I didn't feel the same."

"Not to be that person...but how could you not have feelings for Harry Styles?"

And with the most serious expression and tone, Fleur says,

"I never said I meant it."

June gasps and covers her mouth quickly.

"So you do?"

"Of course I do!" Fleur throws her arms up, "How could I not?! It's fucking Harry!"

"What the hell is stopping you then?"

Fleur doesn't speak. She looks at June with a knowing look.

"So what? You're just going to throw away something good for one thing? When we both know Harry wouldn't want to give up on you? Fleur, I'm sorry but you're insane. We don't know what could happen."

"Exactly, we don't! Once he finds out, he'll just leave. Leave like all of them. He'll find someone better. I can't hurt him, I care about him too much."

"You won't know something until you try it. What happens if Harry sticks around even after finding out?"

"Well he won't because he's never going to know. I'm not going to see him anymore. He's better off that way. And I'm sick of having this conversation. It's my decision and you should respect that." She snaps.

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