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It's past the first week since Harry left. Fleur and Anne are having the times of their lives. Baking and sharing recipes, Anne teaching Fleur to knit so she can make blankets for the baby, and the two doing nothing but shopping.

Whether it's online shopping or roaming the actual shops in London, they've certainly gotten enough clothes to last themselves a lifetime. Not to mention, Fleur's gotten a few things for Harry and the baby.

A lot of time has been spent in the nursery as well. They've finally received the crib and both spent a good minute trying to figure out how to put it together. Which eventually ended up in them leaving it for Harry to build.

As for the wedding, it's been nothing but dress shopping and phone calls between the wedding party to decide what sort of dress the bridesmaids will wear. So far, they've figured out the flower situation and have a few options for a dress. But, Fleur claimed she wanted more than one dress so she can dance later in the night and didn't want to do it in a wedding gown.

Anne then made a comment that Harry would most likely want an outfit change as well being as that's the way he is.

Gemma poked in every now and then. She would tag along to the dress shopping, holding her phone up to show June and Maggie each option through Facetime.

It's definitely been wonderful having them around. Makes them adore Fleur even more than they already do.

"You're up early." Anne gasps when she passes the bedroom.

Fleur is already dressed and showered, makeup on and everything. She's changing the bedsheets and blankets to match the upcoming fall season.

"I'm going to stop by the bakery for a bit, I have to oversee some of the construction. I'll be back soon." She explains, tossing the pillows back in their place.

"Need me to come with?"

"I'm okay, Anne. You need to sit down for once. All you've been doing is running around for me!" Fleur turns to face her soon to be mother in law with a grateful smile.

"Well, okay. Just call if you need a thing, hear me?"

Nodding, Fleur slips her shoes on and grabs her house keys.

Outside, she walks down the road, making her way toward the small village where her bakery is. It's quite chilly for August. She's not used to this London weather being as she's lived in LA for the majority of her life.

At the bakery, she greets the construction workers and they all sit down to discuss what plans she has. They listen intently and scribble down everything she says. When it's all said and done, they disperse and Fleur sits in the back room to finalize a few more things.

As she's writing, her phone buzzes with a text message.

My Pearl :)
I miss you.

Grinning, she types back a quick reply for him.

I miss you too. One week :)

In an instant, he's responded.

My Pearl :)
Isn't going fast enough :(

A worker calls for her and she leaves her belongings on the table to join them.

"Do you have the drawing of the table area?" One asks.

"Oh! I totally forgot! I'll run back home and grab it."

"No rush!"

So, Fleur makes her way out of the shop and out down the street. Halfway through, she's realized she's forgotten her phone in the back room. It's already too late to go back, though.

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