Moving Out (Cream's Song)

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Chapter 1: Moving Out (Cream's Song)
(A.K.A. The rabbit doesn't work on Sullivan Street)
Vanilla's House, 2 Years Later
"You promise you'll take care of Cream?" Vector asked Tails.
"Of course I will. She's my girlfriend, after all." Tails answered.
Cream appeared with two suitcases.
"I'm ready to roll." Cream said.
Vanilla walked over and hugged her daughter, trying not to cry.
"Oh, Cream, you grew up so fast!" Vanilla sobbed.
"Mom, don't cry. I promise I'll visit often." Cream told her.
"That makes me feel better." Vanilla smiled. "At least a little."
"I'll take care of her, Miss Vanilla." Tails said.
"I know you will, Tails." Vanilla hugged Tails, in which the fox returned the hug.
"Bye!" Cream waved as she walked out with Tails.

Well, here is Chapter 1 of the 6th installment of the "Cobalt Rose", "Golden Daisy", which will put the spotlight on Tails and Cream. Well, I'll return with Chapter 2 tomorrow evening as I need to go to sleep for work. Catch you guys later!

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