Scrap Brain Showdown

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Chapter 20: Scrap Brain Showdown
(A.K.A. The big battle in the base)
Scrap Brain Zone, South Island
Shadow had Chaos Controlled the group to the outskirts of Scrap Brain Zone.
"Ok, we're here. We should come up with a plan." Shadow said.
"Good idea. Me and Shadow will go east, you and Tails go west." Sonic said.
"Good thinking, Sonic! If any of us find anything, radio us with the wrist comms." Tails said.
"Gotcha, Tails. Good luck!"
The four nodded at each other and took off in their respective directions.
"Find anything, Shadow?'
"Not yet." Shadow responded. "Wait, over here!"
"What is it?" Sonic ran over.
"It looks like two bats. It's not Rouge or Precious, but they kinda look like Rouge." Shadow said.
"We should help them. They may know something." Sonic suggested.
"Wait, there's a guard right there." Shadow pointed to a guard in a black shirt.
"We can take him, Shads, no problem." Sonic chuckled, his cocky attitude showing.
"Not unless we want to raise attention. Hold on, I have an idea."
Shadow pointed the end of his watch at the guard, pressed a button, and something shot out, hit the guard in the neck, making him pass out.
"I'm impressed." Sonic quietly golf clapped.
"It comes with the promotion." Shadow said in his usual tone.
"What exactly did you get promoted to, assassin?" Sonic joked as the two entered the room.
"Sort of." Shadow answered.
The bat duo were tied to chairs.
The hedgehog duo untied the bat couple.
"Thank you." The female bat said.
"No problem." Sonic replied.
"I'm Melody, and this is my husband, Richard." Melody said.
"I'm Sonic, and this is Shadow. We're trying to save our friend and her daughter." Sonic said.
"Her name wouldn't be Rouge, would it?" Richard asked.
"Uh, actually, yea. How do you know her?"
"We're her parents."
"That explains why you both look like her." Shadow said.
"Any clue as to where she and Precious might be?"
"Sorry, but we don't." Melody sighed. "I hope they're ok."
"I'm sure they are. Come on, let's try to find them." Sonic said as the group made their way out.
"Got anything, Tails?" Knuckles asked.
"No, I'm trying, Knux." Tails told him.
"I know you are. I trust you, Tails." Knuckles said.
"Wait, I think I got something!" Tails exclaimed.
"Really?" Knuckles ran over.
"It's a few rooms away. I can't tell if its Rouge, Precious, both, or someone else, though."
"Well, let's go find out!" Knuckles ran ahead.
"Knuckles, wait, it might be a trap!" Tails warned.
"It's worth it to me. Stand back!" Knuckles slowly opened the door to peek inside. "Rouge!" He said as he ran in.
"Careful! Watch your step!" Tails quietly yelled.
"I am!" Knuckles said as he tiptoed toward his wife who was tied to a chair in the middle of the room. He made it without any obstruction and removed the tape off her mouth. "Rouge!" Knuckles said again as he then untied her.
Rouge stirred. She had bruises in numerous places.
"Kn-Knuckles?" She strained out.
"It's me, babe. I'm here." Knuckles hugged her.
Rouge began to cry as she wrapped her arms around her husband.
"Y-you came!" She sobbed.
"Of course I did! You're my wife, and Precious is my daughter. I love you both too much not to try to find you!" Knuckles told her as they quickly exchanged a kiss.
Then, the door closed.
"Uh-oh." Tails said.
"Looks like you were right, Tails." Knuckles added, pulling Rouge close to him.
"It's Fiona. She's behind all of this!" Rouge growled.
"So Sally was right." Knuckles whispered. "I guess she is changing!" The door began to reopen as Fiona walked in, followed by a few of her guards.
"Well, well, look who wanted to play hero?" Fiona teased as Precious appeared beside her, her hands cuffed.
"Daddy!" Precious cried.
"Don't worry, Precious, I'm getting us out of here!" Knuckles stated.
"Not hardly, Knuckles. You and Tails are going to be trapped just like these two." Fiona stated.
"I don't think so!" Sonic yelled as he, Shadow, Richard, and Melody entered the room.
"So you found the parents, did you?" Fiona rolled her eyes. "It doesn't matter. You're still not going anywhere!" She snapped her fingers and more guards appeared.
"Tails, keep an eye on Rouge. I'm getting my daughter back, even if I have to break some necks." Knuckled growled as he ran toward the crowd of guards.
"You guys know how to fight?" Sonic asked Rouge's parents.
"Yes, we do." Richard nodded.
"Well, let's save your granddaughter who doubles as my niece." Sonic said.
The parents, alongside the blue and black hedgehogs, charged at the group of guards.
Fiona walked out of the scuffle without a scratch with Precious in tow. She was heading right for Tails and Rouge.
"Hello, Tails." Fiona blew him a kiss.
"J-just give Precious back and let us walk out." Tails said, a little nervous due to past encounters with the opposing fox.
Fiona giggled.
"Oh, you know it's not going to be that simple."
"What do you want, Fiona? What do you possibly have to gain from all of this?" Tails asked.
"Nothing you need to know about." Fiona said.
"All she wants is to make my life hell!" Rouge stated, seeming more focused now.
"Maybe that, too." Fiona added.
"Well, it ain't happening!" Rouge hopped over Tails and screw kicked Fiona, sending her flying back.
"Tails, watch my daughter. I've got some business to take care of." Rouge said, running toward Fiona.
"Hmm, let's see if we can find the keys for your handcuffs, Precious. Stay close to me." Tails said.
"Ok, Uncle Tails." Precious said, following the fox.
The two began searching everywhere that wasn't in the vicinity of a fight.
"Rouge, you know how this is going to end, so why try to fight it?" Fiona teased as she dodged a punch from Rouge.
"If you wanted me so bad, why the hell did you drag my daughter and parents into this?" Rouge asked as the two traded blows.
"They were collateral damage."
"I don't believe you."
Rouge punched Fiona, in which the fox countered with a kick to the face.
"You got me. I was actually after your parents. However, since you were there, I couldn't pass up the chance!" Fiona grinned evilly.
"You are one of the worst people I know." Rouge scowled.
"Oh, well, sometimes you just meet people like that." Fiona said, also holding a scowl on her face.
"For once, we agree on something, Fiona. Only this time, I'm going to put a stop to you." Rouge stated.
"Sorry, Rouge, but my vengeance must be carried out."
The two stared each other down, ready to strike if either one dared to move. Then, they lunged at each other, fighting once again.
With Tails and Precious
"Aha, here we go." Tails said as found the key to Precious' handcuffs. He proceeded to take them off.
"Thank you. Those cuffs hurt my wrists." Precious complained, rubbing her wrists. "So now what do we do, Uncle Tails?" She then asked.
"We have to do something that can take out all those guards." Tails deduced.
"We need a distraction, something to throw off their attention so we can escape, in which I'll need to figure out as well." Tails answered.
After looking around for an idea, Tails managed to hit it big.
"If we trigger the alarm, the exits will open." He stated.
"Well, let's give it a shot! I'm ready to head home!" Precious said.
"I know you are, and you'll be out of here soon." Tails told her. He used his watch to talk to Sonic. "Sonic?"
"What's up, bud? I am kind of busy, though." Sonic said over the communicator.
"Tell the others that I'm about to activate the alarm. It opens the exit and we can get out of here.
"What about Precious?"
"I have her. Once we get outside, Shadow will Chaos Control us out of here." Tails added.
"Got it. Hey, guys, get ready to run." Sonic told the others.
"Why?" Shadow asked.
"Tails has a plan involving the alarm."
Rouge and Fiona had just finished their little scuffle, with Rouge being victorious.
"You bitch. Why can't you just get what you deserve?" Fiona groaned.
"I'm just that good at what I do." Rouge replied. "Being a spy, jewel thief, wife, and mother."
"Sounds lame." Fiona rolled her eyes.
"You wouldn't get it. You have no heart."
"You cant guilt trip me, Rouge. I'm not Sally!" Fiona shot back.
"Oh, I know you're not!" Rouge kicked Fiona as the alarm rang. "If I ever see you near my family, I'll kill you." Rouge told Fiona.
"Let's roll, guys. Tails said he and Precious would meet us at the exit." Sonic called out.
"Then lead the way." Rouge ran over as they all took off.
"It should be over here." Melody said as they neared what looked to be an exit.
The group ran through the door and were greeted with a positive sight.
"There's the exit!" Richard said.
"Let's go!" Knuckles exclaimed.
The group ran through the exit to be greeted with the outside world, as well as Tails and Precious.
"Momma! Daddy!" Precious ran over to her parents and they shared a group hug.
"I'm glad you're both ok!" Knuckles said, tears brimming his eyes. "You girls along with Karson are my everything! If I lost any of you, I'd also be lost. Sorry, I'm not good with words."
"You don't have to be." Rouge giggled as she pulled Knuckles into a deep kiss.
"Eww!" Precious looked away in disgust.
"Well, glad this has been settled." Sonic said.
Everyone else nodded.
"Let's go home. I want to see my son." Rouge said. "As well as try to clear things up with my parents." She said the last part to herself.

Expect chapters more frequent for a while!

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