Cream the Baker?

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Chapter 9: Cream the Baker?
(A.K.A. I thought we said no more questions in the chapter titles!)
Sega Shop
Shadow, Blaze, and Shadic were shopping at the Sega Shop, Mobius' equivalent to Walmart, if you will.
"Shadow, do we have any chips?" Blaze asked.
"No, not really. We could you some." Shadow replied.
"Cream!" Shadic said, pointing to the near side.
"We don't need any cream, Shadic." Shadow told his son.
"No, he means that he sees Cream as in Cream." Blaze corrected, pointing near side as well.
Shadow looked to see the rabbit in question.
"Oh. Stupid me." Shadow face palmed as they walked over to Cream.
Cream looked over to see the family and smiled. "Shadow, Blaze, Shadic, nice to see you." Cream waved.
"Hello, Cream. What are you doing here?" Blaze asked.
"Just got a job here, actually." Cream answered.
"That's great. What will you be doing?"
"In the bakery."
"That's very nice. I offer our congratulations." Blaze told her.
"Thank you!"
"When do you start?"
"Tomorrow." Cream said.
"Well best of luck to you." Shadow told her.
"Thank you, Shadow."
The ebony hedgehog nodded and gave a small smile.

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