Sarah's First Day

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Chapter 2: Sarah's First Day
(A.K.A. Who could pass up getting emotional on their child's first day or school)
"Sarah, sweetie, it's time to get up." Amy told her daughter, shaking her lightly.
"Five more minutes, Momma." Sarah groaned.
"You don't want to be late for your first day of school, do you?" Amy teased.
Sarah shot up.
"Of course not!" She ran down the stairs at Sonic speed.
Amy then signed.
"Now for Carter."
Sarah arrived at the table to see her Dad eating a bowl of cereal.
"Morning, Dad!" Sarah said, voice full of joy.
"Morning, baby girl." Sonic smiled. "Ready for your first day of school?"
"Yes, I am! I can't wait to see all my friends!" She answered.
"It should be fun. I never went to school because I had to save the world, but I turned out ok, I guess." Sonic said.
"You're fine the way you are, Dad." Sarah hugged her father.
"Thanks, Sarah."
"Daddy!" Carter giggled as Amy carried him downstairs.
"Hey, buddy!" Sonic walked over and hugged his son, then kissed his wife.
"Hurry up and eat so you can get dressed." Amy said. "I have to get ready for work."
Amy tried again in the job market, and wound up being a secretary at a tech company. Though it was not exactly be her expertise, it played good money. Sonic still helped Tails out with his jobs. Tails was currently in the process of starting his own construction company. Sonic would be Tails' lead man, doing most of the traveling due to his speed, though his exact role is kind of confusing to understand. Vanilla agreed to watch Carter while they worked.
"I've finished my breakfast." Sarah said.
"Ok, come on, let's get your outfit ready." Amy led her daughter upstairs.
When she returned, she had a blue shirt, blue pants, and blue shoes.
"An all blue look, huh? I like it." Sonic smiled.
"Of course you do, it's your color." Amy teased. She was wearing a white top, black skirt, and black heels.
Sonic wolf whistled, causing Amy to blush.
"Oh, stop, Sonic." Amy giggled.
"You just let your boss know that I'm the only one who's allowed to fuck you." Sonic whispered in her ear.
"Sonic!" Amy exclaimed, punching his shoulder, making the kids laugh. "You don't have to worry about that, Sonikku. You're the only man for me." Amy whispered before kissing him.
"Oh, gross, Mom and Dad!" Sarah groaned, closing her eyes.
"It's fine, Sarah. Get in the car, I'll be there with Carter in a second." Amy said.
Sarah nodded and walked outside.
Also, Amy has a car now.
"Well, Sonic, I'll see you tonight. Love you."
Amy and Sonic shared one more kiss.
"Love you, too. Make sure your boss sees your wedding ring."
"Sonic, chill." Amy rolled her eyes. "Bye."
Amy, Sarah, and Carter were at the school, waiting to get inside.
"So excited!" Sarah yelled.
"It wouldn't be so bad if this line wasn't so long." Amy complained.
"You can say that again, girl." Said a familiar voice.
"So you're here, too, huh, Rouge?"
"Yes, for Karson."
Karson appeared, wearing a red dress shirts, dark jeans, and white shoes.
"Hey, Karson." Sarah waved.
"Sarah, I'm glad you're here. Now I know I'm not alone." Karson said.
"Of course you're not alone." Sarah assured him.
"I think our kids are going to be good friends." Rouge whispered to Amy.
"I think so, too." Amy winked.
The line began to thin out and the kids began to make their way to their classroom.
Amy and Rouge waved good-bye to their children.
"I need to get going." Amy said, slightly tearing up.
"Dont start crying, because I'm going to as well." Rouge joked, wiping her eyes.
"I'm sorry, it's just that my little girl's growing up." Amy sobbed.
"So's my little man." Rouge let her tears flow as the two cried for a few minutes.
"I've got to get to work." Amy said, wiping her eyes.
"Me, too. See ya, girl."

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