Lost Echidna

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Chapter 18: Lost Echidna
(A.K.A. Men are lost without Women)
Counting on his sourses, Shadow tried to get leads to any criminal groups that could have possibly kidnapped Rouge and Precious, but everything came up empty. Days turned into weeks and no leads came up. Knuckles would be gone for days, looking for any clues, often leaving Karson with Maria. The echidna trusted the hedgehog with the young child, as it was all he had and wouldn't dare risk losing him. Being without his wife and daughter was taking a toll on him, especially since he had no clue as to if they were even still alive. He never gave up hope, even if it meant that he didn't sleep for days at a time. Everyone else was trying to help anyway they could, but they couldn't find the mother and daughter.
Sonic and Amy were sitting at the kitchen table, talking about the scenario.
"Sonic, do you ever think Rouge and Precious will ever turn up?" Amy asked.
"I'm sure they will. I have plenty of faith." Sonic said.
"I sure hope so. It's almost been a month." Amy added. "I just want to know who did it."
"Sonic! Amy!" Sally yelled as she ran in.
Sally was making progress with the Hedgehog couple, but she still hadn't earned their full trust yet.
"What is it, Sally?" Amy asked.
Sonic and Amy had also eased up on Sally, but, as stated before, they still didn't trust her completely.
"I may have gathered some information about where Rouge is."
"Where?" Sonic asked, jumping up.
"Well, I don't have a direct location on where she is, but I possibly know who's holding her hostage."
"Who?" The blue and pink hedgehogs asked together.
"Fiona?" Amy exclaimed. "Why her?"
"Her and Rouge have some history. " Sonic pointed out.
"So that explains why she would kidnap Rouge." Sally said.
"I've got to find Knuckles. Love ya, Ames. Bye, Sal." Sonic said as he ran out the door at super speed.
Angel Island
Figuring that Knuckles would be on Angel Island, Sonic decided to check there. It didn't take him long to find the echidna.
"Knuckles!" Sonic called out.
"Not now, Sonic!" Knuckles yelled.
"I can help you! I know who took Rouge and Precious!"
"I don't need your help!" Knuckles yelled to him.
"Don't be like this, Knux! I actually know who took your family! Sally told me."
"You actually trust that bitch?"
"Not completely, but it's the best we got."
Knuckles walked over and punched Sonic.
"Why are you trusting her? Remember what she did to you and Amy? Just because she says she's changed doesn't mean jack shit! She could actually be the one behind all this!" Knuckles yelled.
Sonic punched Knuckles.
"I know she's not behind this. You haven't taken the time to see her, Knux. She's being honest." Sonic protested.
"You're stupid." Knuckles growled.
"I'm trying to help you, you idiot! It was Fiona! We want to save Rouge and Precious just as much as you do!" Sonic dodged another punch as the two began to full fledge fight.
"I know, but not when I'm being lied to." Knuckles landed a hit to Sonic's gut, in which the hedgehog countered with an elbow to the echidna's face. "I'm sorry, but Sally isn't on my trust list, so I don't believe anything she says." He added.
Knuckles went to land a flying punch, but Sonic dodged and countered with a kick to the back.
"We're wasting time fighting!" Sonic told him.
"You interrupted my search!" Knuckles shot back.
Suddenly, a familiar face intervened between the two.
"Damn it, you guys, stop fighting! This isn't going to help!" Tails said, mushing himself in between the hedgehog and echidna.
Sonic and Knuckles sighed, apologized, and shook hands.
"Sorry, guys, I'm just so lost without my girls." Knuckles said.
"We know you are, Knux. We're trying to help you out, bud." Sonic assured him.
"Fiona is our lead, as well as our only lead, so we need to check it out." Tails added.
"Right. Wait, how do you know about the Fiona lead?" Sonic asked, confused.
"Sally and Amy told Shadow, who told me, then I came here." Tails explained. "Shadow wants us to meet him at G.U.N. Headquarters ASAP!"
"Let's use the Warp Ring to get there faster!" Knuckles said.
"Yep, let's go!" Sonic exclaimed as the trio used the Warp Ring to head to Central City.

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