Birth of a Trio

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Chapter 33: Birth of a Trio
(A.K.A. Awaken, Spirit of Savior)
Another Few Months Later
The time seemed to fly by for Cream's pregnancy as before she knew it, she was due any day now. The two had prepared every way they could to be the best young parents they could.
Tails had to build an entire room for the three upcoming blessings. It took some elbow grease, but the young genius got it done with weeks to spare. Also, there was one thing the couple could not come up with and that was a name for each child. They tried, but decided to let it come to them over time, meaning when they were born.
It was 3 AM at the Workshop when Tails was jarred awake by someone shaking him.
"Tails, wake up!" Cream told him in a panic.
"H-huh? Wha-what's going on? Is my ice cream gone again?" Tails stirred.
"No, my water broke!" She yelled.
"Oh, your water broke. Wait, your water broke?"
Tails began to panic.
Cream slapped her husband.
"Thanks, I needed that. Now then, we need to get you to the hospital and I need to get everyone on the phone." Tails said as he got dressed, which, of course, was just his gloves and sneakers.
"Tails, I'm in too much pain to walk or fly." The rabbit groaned.
"Then I'll carry you, my love." Tails told her as he ran over to pick her up, but instantly regretted the idea. "Oh, shit, you are heavier, oof, than I expected."
"You thought I was going to be light?"
"No, not really. Let's just go." Tails struggled, but managed to get Cream to the Tornado 2 and took off, calling everyone on the way.
Station Square Hospital, 1 Hour later
Tails was the only one 100% awake out of the group, but they were all focused on the situation at hand.
The fox was freaking out, pacing about, sweating a waterfall, and looking like a mess.
"Tails, dear, it's ok." Vanilla said, trying to comfort him. "When this is over, you'll have three beautiful children."
"Y-yea, you're right, Vanilla. I don't know what I would do without any of you. Thank you for all you do for us." Tails said.
"It's no problem, Tails. It's a thing that you don't have to thank any of us for." Sonic stated. "Right, everyone?"
The group all nodded in response.
The doctor walked out of the room Cream was in.
"Mr. Prower, I'm proud to announce that you are now the father of three healthy, beautiful children. You may go in." The doctor said.
"Thank you." Tails said as he went to walk in, but everyone else stayed put. "Aren't you guys coming?" The fox asked.
"We'll be there in a sec." Sonic said.
"We'll let you two be alone for few." Vector added.
Tails smiled and walked into the room to be greeted with the greatest sight he ever laid eyes on: Cream having three kids in her lap.
Her children.
His children.
Their children.
"C-cream..." Tails began to tear up.
"Tails, they're beautiful, aren't they?"
"Yes, they are."
"Now I guess it's time to actually name them." Cream said as she pointed to the first child, a light brown rabbit with ears that were a lighter shade.
"Oh, yeah. Man, I still don't know. Hopefully the hospital bill won't turn us into charity cases." Tails explained.
"Wait, say that again."
"I said I hope the hospital bill doesn't turn us into charity cases."
"Oh, you meant it as her name?"
"How is it?"
"Charity Prower. I love it." Tails smiled as he held his eldest child. "Now how about my middle man?"
Cream raised up their lone son, who looked like a splitting image of his father.
"Miles. Miles Prower Jr."
Cream smiled.
"And I just picked out a name for our youngest one." Cream said as she glanced at her third child, a yellow rabbit that had Tails' eyes, her ears, and twin tails. "Serenity. Serenity Prower."
"I love it." Tails leaned down to kiss his wife. "And I love you."
"I love you, too. Where's everyone else?"
"Outside. I'll get them." Tails went to retrieve their friends. "Everyone, meet Charity Prower, Miles Prower Jr., and Serenity Prower."
"Aw, they're adorable!" Amy cheered.
"They're precious." Rouge added.
"Congratulations, Tails, Cream." Shadow nodded and smiled at the fox.
"Thanks, everyone. It means a lot to us."
"I should be the one thanking you for giving me my wonderful grandchildren." Vanilla said as Cream handed her Miles and Vector the girls.
Yes, it was the start of something new for the couple.

Ah, don't you just love these moments? But the name Serenity, does that ring a bell?

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