Preparing for the Big Night

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Chapter 10: Preparing for the Big Night
(A.K.A. The Big Night Prequel)
Tails' Workshop, Mystic Ruins
After getting home from work, Tails decided that if he wanted to pop the question to Cream, he needed to get it over with.
"Hmm, I need to do something clever, something romantic like everyone else. Sonic proposed to Amy on Christmas, Knuckles proposed to Rouge at a disco party, and Shadow proposed to Blaze by a sakura lakeside. Come on, Tails, you're supposed to be the smart one." Tails cursed himself. Then, he snapped his fingers. "I've got it! I'll take Cream on a dinner date, then take her to another spot I know. It'll be perfect!" Tails exclaimed.
"What will be perfect?" Cream asked, walking in.
Tails froze, then turned around, smiling.
"Cream, how would you like to go out tonight?"
"I'd love to, Tails. What time are we leaving?"
"Deal." Cream kissed Tails' cheek and went to get ready.

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