Hell is a Reality

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Chapter 40 FINALE: Hell is a Reality
(A.K.A. Wait, is that who we think it is?)
11 AM
Later that morning, everyone had gathered at the Workshop upon Tails' request.
"What's this all about?" Shadow asked.
"No clue, but it must be important if Tails called us all here." Sonic put in.
Tails, Cream, and Silver walked in from the kitchen.
"What's going on, Tails?" Knuckles asked.
"Silver has something he needs to tell all of us." Tails explained.
"It is time for all of you to know what is about to take place." Silver sighed.
"What are you getting at?" Blaze narrowed her eyes.
"An evil version of Sonic is coming to attempt to take over this world, and the only one who can stop him is-"
Silver was interrupted by a loud boom.
"Yea, that was a bit nerve racking!" Karson shivered.
"You can say that again." Sarah added.
"Hey, the sky is red?" Rouge looked out the window to the now crimson skyline.
"What is going on?" Amy asked.
"Oh, no, it's time! He's coming!" Silver said in a tizzy.
"Guys, look!" Maria said as she pointed to the now open door.
In the doorway stood Sonic, but not our Sonic, but the Sonic Silver spoke of. The only difference between the two was this other Sonic had black sclera, beady blood red irises, and his fur was somewhat of a greenish blue color.
"So you're the ones I've been looking for." The other Sonic said in a deep, deadly voice.
"Who are you?" Cream asked.
"I am Sark, but you can refer to me as your new God." Sark told her. "But before I can conquer your world, I must take care of business. I must kill the Chosen One."
"You won't lay a finger on her!" Cream yelled.
"What?" Tails said.
"Tails, Serenity is the Chosen One." Cream told her husband.
"When did you find out?"
"Silver told me last night."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to, Tails!" Cream yelled at him.
"When?" Tails shot back.
"Shut the hell up! Who cares about who told who what! Hand the Chosen One over and let me get this over with." Sark complained.
"You'll have to kill me to get to any of my kids." Cream narrowed her eyes at Sark.
The Sonic double grinned evilly, showing off his sharp teeth.
"That's not a problem."
Sark hopped up in the air, and landed next to Cream, slashing at her chest.
Cream froze and looked down to see red slowly oozing from her body. She began to feel faint.
Sark hopped back to the doorway. The rabbit fell to the floor.
"Cream!" Tails yelled as he practically fell down with his wife, cradling her in his arms, her blood staining his gloves and fur.
"T-tails, p-pro-protect our kids!" Cream breathed out.
"I can't do it without you! You have to be ok." The fox was now full fledged crying. "I already lost Cosmo. I can't lose you too."
"T-tails, I love you. T-tell our kids I love them." Cream's eyes eased shut.
"Cream? No, no, no, no, NO!" Tails screamed as he he pulled Cream's lifeless body into his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.
Sonic nearly lost his cool. He turned to Sark.
"How could you do something like this, you bastard!" Sonic yelled.
"It's what I do best. Don't worry, Sonic, you're not alone." Sark teased.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't kill you because I need you to help me."
"I'd never help you."
"Oh, but you will! You just might not know it at the moment." Sark snapped his fingers and Sonic vanished.
"Sonic!" Tails and Amy exclaimed.
"Where did you send him?" Blaze demanded.
"To another world. He isn't dead, and will not be until my use of him is over." Sark explained.
"You, you monster! You killed my wife, then banished my brother! You-you're sick!" Tails yelled, still holding Cream.
"Why thank you for the kind words." Sark snapped his fingers again and everyone except Cream's body and the kids were trapped in orbs.
"What's this?" Shadow growled.
"You will be my slaves as soon as you watch me kill your flesh and blood right before your very eyes." Sark growled.
"NO!" Everyone exclaimed.
Then, Sark fell to one knee.
"What the? I suddenly feel weak." The hedgehog groaned.
A blue ring portal appeared.
"It's a blue ring! This is your chance to escape!' Sliver said.
"But what about you all?" Sarah asked, beginning to tear up.
"It's too late for us, baby. Take your brother and care for him. Just know Mommy loves you with all her heart." Amy cried, waterfalls rolling down her cheeks.
"Take care of your sister, Karson. We love you both." Knuckles choked up as he was comforting Rouge, who was sobbing.
Sark put all the couples into a bubble. Tails and Amy were in the same bubble.
"Look after Shadic, please. Me and your father love you very much, Shadic." Blaze called out on the verge of tears.
"Charity, Miles Jr., Serenity, I love you. Make me and your mother proud." Tails whispered.
"Protect Serenity at all costs! She is the key to stopping Sark!" Silver explained.
"We won't let you down. We love you all!" Sarah said as the kids went through the portal.
The portal vanished.
Sark rose back to his feet.
"N-no! Damn it! The Chosen One escaped. No matter, I have all of you in my hands, and that's good enough for the moment." Sark said as he and the group vanished.

A new adventure awaits!

To be continued!

Ok, I bet you all are wondering what the hell is going on. Was that actually Sonic.exe in this story? Did I actually kill Cream? What happened to Sonic? Where did the kids end up? What will become of the Sonic Team and the rest of Mobius? The answers are yes and you'll need to tune into the 7th installment of the 'Cobalt Rose' series, "Carmine Rose". I just have one question for you:
Ready for Round 7?

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