New Life

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Chapter 34: New Life
(A.K.A. Life is just a bitch in general, isn't it?)
Another few months later
Life is going well for the Prowers. It hasn't been easy for the couple, but they've made sure their kids were taken care of.
The family was currently out shopping, getting the basics of what they needed. It did feel weird going into public at times. The couple thought they were constantly being watched due to having three kids at their age. It was what it was.
Cream was pushing the cart, which had Miles in the seat, Cream having Charity in a chest harness, and Tails having Serenity in the same.
"Do we need any bread?" Cream asked.
"Yea, we do. I'll go get it." Tails told her as he went to fetch the bread.
As he got there, a woman who was a tad bit overweight wearing a jean jacket was also in the area.
"Aren't you a little young to have that child?" The woman said in a snobby tone.
"No, not really." Tails replied.
"It's crazy what young people do these days."
"Are you calling my children an embarrassment?" Tails eyed the woman.
"Think what you want, kid." The woman walked away.
"You're not an embarrassment, Serenity, and neither are your brother and sister." Tails told his daughter.
Serenity giggled.
"Let's get back to Momma."

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