Rescue a Go Go!

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Chapter 19: Rescue a Go Go!
(A.K.A. You mean Knuckles could have done this the whole time!)
G.U.N. Headquarters, Central City
"I'm surprised that we didn't go to the one in Westpolis." Sonic said.
"Let's not get off topic here." Knuckles told him.
"I'm good. Let's find Shadow." Sonic said.
"Already here." Shadow said, walking up.
"So we see."
"Follow me."
Main Computer Room
"We sent a signal drone out to try to find any leads." A G.U.N. agent explained.
"In my opinion, they suck ass." Shadow whispered.
"Damn. That doesn't give me much hope." Knuckles sighed.
"Wait, Knuckles, can't you sense Precious since she would have your Chaos Energy?" Tails pointed out.
"I've tried to, but I've just been so distraught that I can't concentrate enough to try." Knuckles told him.
"Well give it another go, Knux. Maybe something will happen this time." Sonic said.
Knuckles closed his eyes, concentrating on sensing his daughter's energy. Then, after about 90 seconds he felt something.
"I've got something!" He said.
"What? Is it Precious?" Sonic asked.
"Yes, it is. She's in some sort of base. It's not an Eggman base, oh, wait, it's an abandoned Eggman Base."
"Where?" Shadow asked.
"Scrap Brain Zone on South Island." Knuckles answered.
"Good job, Knuckles!" Tails told him.
"Well, let's head to Scrap Brain Zone." Sonic said, ready to roll.
Knuckles nodded and the group headed out.

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