Rouge's Parents

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Chapter 15: Rouge's Parents
(A.K.A. This is not a multi parter like Sonic and Amy's parents got)
Knuckles and Rouge's House, Next Day
Since Rouge was off of work and Precious wasn't in school yet, the two were watching TV, bonding like mother and daughter.
Then, there was a knock on the door.
"Hmm, I wonder who that could be. No one said they were coming over." Rouge said as she went to answer the door. She opened it and was shocked and angry at who it was. "You two have some nerve coming here."
"So you are here." The male bat, who looked like Rouge, but was wearing a blue business suit said.
"It's been 24 years." The female bat said. She was a splitting image of Rouge.
"It could of been 24 more for all I care. I may of only been 6, but I knew what you two did." Rouge told them.
"We know that you knew." The Male Bat said.
"Is that why you ran away?" The Female Bat asked.
"Yes, it is. It's not because I didn't love you, it's because of what you were doing." Rouge said.
"We had to make a living." The female bat added.
"Oh, did you, Mom?" Rouge put a mockingbird emphasis on mom.
"Rouge, we have our reasons in why we did what we did." Her Dad put in.
"Why? Tell me. I'm not 6 anymore, I'm 30, so tell me!" Rouge demanded.
"If only it were that simple."
"It is."
"Momma, what's taking so long?" Precious walked up and asked her mother.
"Yes, I'm a mother. I'm married and have two kids." Rouge told them.
"We've missed so much." Rouge's mom sighed.
"Indeed we have." Rouge's dad added.
"Well, if-" Rouge was interrupted by her Dad passing out.
Rouge's mother gasped before she mysteriously passed out as well.
"Mommy!" Precious screamed.
Rouge turned around to see a man in black grabbing her daughter.
"What the fuck are you doing with my daughter?" She yelled.
More men in black appeared. They scooped up the bat's parents as well as her daughter.
"What the hell is going on?" Rouge yelled as the men grabbed her as well. They tied up and gagged the four, put them into the back of a van, and drove off.

Ok, so things just got bleak for Rouge. Hate to leave you guys with a cliffhanger, but I have to. It's getting late, and my phone is running low again. I have to get back to work tomorrow, unfortunately, but I promise this frenzy upload will give you at least one more chapter! Anyway, good night, and I'll see you all tomorrow afternoon.

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