Gender Reveal

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Chapter 31: Gender Reveal
(A.K.A. This is something that people would most definitely not ask me to do)
A few Months later, Station Square Hospital
"Well, Mrs. Prower, how is everything so far?" The doctor asked, walking into the room Tails and Cream were in.
"Fine besides all the morning sickness." Cream said.
"That, and her eating all my mint chocolate chip ice cream." Tails added.
"Oh, boy, I can't wait to eat my favorite ice cream after a hard day at work." Tails cheered to himself as he neared his home.
Upon entering, he was greeted with a ghostly sight.
"Oh wow! I see why you love this ice cream! It's so good!" Cream said as she took the final bite of Tails' ice cream.
Tails was frozen in shock. He knew his wife was pregnant, as well as having odd cravings, but not for his ice cream!
"I...I..." Tails couldn't say a word.
Regular Time
"Sorry. I did buy you two more tubs, didn't I?"  Cream pointed out.
"Yes, you did, in which I'm very grateful for." Tails smiled.
"Well, well, Mrs. Prower, let's see what you have in here." The doctor said, putting the gel on Cream's now noticeable belly.
Cream shivered on contact.
Then, the doctor smiled.
"Here they are, your children."
The image appeared on screen, showing three children inside the rabbit's womb, floating without a care in the world.
Cream teared up at the sight. She was looking at her three children.
"I know. I see them, too." He smiled.
"It appears that you have two girls and a boy." The doctor said.
"That's perfect." Tails said, tears brimming his eyes
"It also looks as if they are all in perfect health as well."
"That's wonderful as well." Tails put in.
"Make sure to come back in a few weeks, and we'll check on them again to monitor their progress." The doctor told them.
"Thank you, Doctor." Tails said as he and Cream walked out.
"Two girls and a boy! How wonderful is that?" Cream cheered.
"I wouldn't want it any other way." Tails said.
"I'm sure you would of been happier with two boys." Cream teased.
"Maybe, but I don't mind this outcome one bit." Tails told her.
"Me, too." Cream then yawned. "Let's head home. I'm getting sleepy."
"Ok then."
Tails and Cream made their way back home.

It's that time again! Time for Frenzy uploads!

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