Another Mission Awaits

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Chapter 16: Another Mission Awaits
(A.K.A. Rally the Troops!)
Prower Inc.
It was just a basic day of work for Knuckles as he was Tails' go to guy whenever Sonic had to travel for business.
Shadow then appeared, and he didn't seem too happy. Well, that's all the time, but this time, more than usual.
"Knuckles, we need to talk." He said.
"What is it?" Knuckles asked.
"Rouge and Precious have been kidnapped." Shadow told him.
Knuckles punched a nearby barrel, destroying it in the process.
"How long ago and by who?" Knuckles growled.
"From the intel I was given, we don't know. They were taken by men in black suits, but we don't know who's their leader." Shadow explained.
"What about my son?" The echidna asked.
"Right after I received the news, I went to his school to check on him. He was perfectly fine, and to be safe, I checked him out and brought him to you." Shadow said. "Come on out, Karson."
Karson ran out and hugged his dad.
"Dad, Uncle Shadow told me that Momma and Precious are in trouble." Karson said.
"I'm afraid so, buddy. But not to worry, I'm going to find them both." Knuckles told his son.
"Should we tell Sonic and Tails?"
"Tell me what?" Sonic said as he arrived back from another errand.
"Rouge and Precious have been kidnapped by some mysterious group." Shadow told him.
"What?" Sonic exclaimed.
"I'll get someone to cover for us. I don't want Tails risking himself when he's about to get married."
"My point exactly." Knuckles said.
"Be careful, Dad."
"I will, son." Knuckles nodded to Karson.

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