Honeymoon in Adabat

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Chapter 25: Honeymoon in Adabat
(A.K.A. Tails and Cream act really out of character)
Adabat Resort, A few hours later
"Cream? Cream, honey, we're here." Tails called out to wake his sleeping wife.
Cream stirred and yawned.
"Here already?" She asked.
"Well, it has been a few hours." Tails teased.
After the Tornado 2 landed, the two hopped out and began to unpack.
Over time, there was a resort built on the other side of Adabat meant for vacation spots, or, in Tails and Cream's cases, their Honeymoon. The hotel ran adjacent to the beach along with a trail through the jungle as well. None of the construction damaged any of the ancient ruins if anyone's wondering.
When the couple reached the hotel's front desk, they were greeted by a female panda wearing a blue dress.
"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady asked.
"Yes, we are here here for the Honeymoon suite under Prower." Tails said.
"Let me check right quick." The panda checked the computer and then plastered a polite smile on her face. "Ah, here it is right here. The Honeymoon Suite for 4 days. Here's your key, and congratulations." The woman said.
"Thank you." Cream smiled as she took the keys and the the couple walked away toward their room.
Honeymoon Suite
Tails and Cream had just finished unpacking their stuff and were sitting in the edge of the bed, wondering what to do next.
"We could go out on that jungle trail." Tails suggested.
"Sure, it sounds fun." Cream agreed.
"Yea. Then we could go eat dinner, and then walk the beach. That is, if it's ok with you, Cream."
"Oh, Tails, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy." Cream said, hugging and kissing his cheek, making the fox blush a tad bit.
"Me too, Cream. You're everything to me." Tails told her.
"So are you to me." Cream answered.
The two leaned in and locked lips in a passionate manner. Cream broke the kiss to say;
"We still need to have marital sex."
Tails blushed.
"True. Want to do it now?"
"Yes." Cream said as the couple locked lips.
20 minutes later
"Well, that was a rush." Tails stated.
"Yes, and it was wonderful." Cream breathed as she leaned over and kissed Tails' cheek. "So now do we go for that walk?"
"Yes, let's go." Tails said.
Adabat Jungle
"It's so nice here." Cream said.
"Yep. This place hasn't changed jungle wise since the whole Dark Gaia fiasco." Tails added.
"You said that the main populace of Adabat lived in a village, right?" Cream asked.
"That's right. Adabat is mainly a tourist attraction these days." Tails answered.
"But it's lovely here." Cream smiled.
"Not as lovely as you." Tails teased.
"Oh, stop." Cream rolled her eyes as she leaned over to kiss her husband. "Tails?"
"Yes, Cream?"
"Let's have the night of our lives!"
"Trust me, we will. I promise you we'll have nothing less!" Tails proclained.
"Same here." Cream smiled.
Later that night, Adabat Resort, Poolside bar
Tails and Cream arrived at the pool area, complete with a bar in the pool.
"Tails, this looks amazing!" Cream cheered.
"Yes, it does." Tails added.
"So, what are we gonna do now?" Cream asked.
"Have a blast, duh! But I don't want to get hammered." Tails smiled.
"Me either, but I am curious to try a thing or two." The rabbit pointed out.
"Well, we're married adults now, so let's do it!" The fox added.
"Yes, let's do it."
The couple prepared to live their adult lives.
Needless to say, they partied pretty good.

How good? Find out next time on "Golden Daisy!"

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