Reality Setting In

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Chapter 26: Reality Setting In
(A.K.A. They did the unthinkable)
Next Morning
By saying Tails and Cream's night was just crazy would be an understatement.
The warm sun rays shined through the hotel room window, right in Tails' eyes, waking the fox up.
"Geez, my head." The fox groaned, rubbing his eyes. He was laying in the bed, in which the sheets were strolled everywhere. "What the hell did we do last night?" He then noticed Cream asleep on the floor. "Cream, baby?" The fox lightly shook his wife awake.
"Ow." She moaned. "Good mor-" Cream instantly took off to the bathroom and proceeded to vomit.
"Uh, I'll ask later." Tails joked as he tried to piece together what happened last night. "Did we black out?" The fox said to himself. Then, the memories hit him. "We got shitfaced, went out and partied all night, then had sex." Tails blushed as he remembered the heated intercourse with the rabbit.
Cream finally walked out of the bathroom.
"Tails, let's agree to never drink again." She groaned.
"So how about we just do nothing today?"
"Yea, good idea." Tails said as the couple flopped down on their messy bed.

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