Adabat Bound

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Chapter 24: Adabat Bound
(A.K.A. The two are already a perfect couple)
Next Day, Tails' Workshop
"Everything ready?" Tails asked. He was wearing a red Hawaiian shirt with a pair of shades on.
"Yea, I got everything ready." Cream called back. She was wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt, yellow short shorts, and black sandals.
"As soon as I get everything packed, we'll be ready to go." Tails said, kissing Cream's cheek.
"Wait, let me help you." Cream put her ears into a ponytail and followed her husband.
"Cream, you don't have-"
Cream cut him off by pressing her lips on his.
"Tails, we're married, remember? We help each other out." She whispered to him in a loving voice.
"I know, but I want you to relax, baby." Tails told her.
"Likewise, Tails. You don't persuade me." Cream pecked his lips and picked up a bag.
"Ok then." Tails chuckled.
It took only a few minutes to pack everything, but they got it all loaded into the Tornado 2.
"Ready?" Tails asked, offering to help Cream into the plane, which she accepted.
"Always with you." She answered.
The two got into the plane and Tails took off toward Adabat.

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