A New Revelation

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Chapter 28: A New Revelation
(A.K.A. There's no way! No way in hell!)
Another 2 days later, Tails' Workshop, Mystic Ruins
Tails landed the Tornado 2 into the runway.
"Well, the honeymoon's over, but it was a blast!" Tails said.
"Yes, it was, but I wish I didn't feel bad the last few days." Cream sighed, rubbing her stomach.
"Well, if you don't feel better tomorrow, then why don't we go to the doctor?" Tails suggested.
"Might as well, just to play it safe." Cream agreed.
"I don't need you getting sick on me." The fox joked.
"I hope not." Cream added. "For now, I want to lay down. I feel tired."
"Then go lay down and rest, my sweet." Tails kissed Cream's cheek.
"Love you." Cream made her way to their bedroom.
"Hopefully she's not sick. What else could it be?" Tails pondered the thought. "Maybe... nah, I'm sure she's fine." The fox proceeded to his lab to get some work done.
Next Day, Station Square Hospital
"Hello, Mrs. Prower, how are you doing?" The doctor, a black cat, asked.
"Good, with the exception of not feeling good these past few days." Cream answered.
"Well, we're going to run some tests on you to see if we can figure out what's wrong with you." The doctor said.
"If it helps." Cream smiled.
"That's our goal. Now follow me, please." The doctor led Cream to the next room.
30 minutes later
"Ok, Mrs. Prower, your results have came back, and I've determined the cause of your sickness." The doctor said.
"What is it?" Cream asked in a curious tone.
The doctor pulled up a chair up to the rabbit, sat in it, and looked her in eyes. He took a deep breath.
"Mrs. Prower, you're pregnant."

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