The Big Night

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Chapter 11: The Big Night
(A.K.A. Tails makes his move)
7 PM
Tails and Cream had finished getting ready.
Tails wore a nice white button up shirt and nice white shoes.
Cream was wearing a black dress, the necklace Tails gave her for her 16th birthday, and black flats.
"You look lovely." Tails stared at Cream, making the rabbit blush.
"So do you, Tails." Cream kissed his cheek, making Tails blush.
"You ready?"
"Yes, let's go."
Tails took Cream's hand in his and the two left.
Spagonia Cuisine, Station Square
"Tails, this place looks kinda expensive. Are you sure it's ok to eat here?"
"Of course. I would never steer you wrong." Tails told her.
"I know you wouldn't, Tails." Cream told him.
The couple walked inside the restaurant to see a mellow atmosphere. The two found a booth in the back.
"Everything looks good, but it's so expensive." Cream said, looking at the menu.
"You're not joking. What are you going to try?" Tails asked.
"Amy said the Spagonian pasta is really good, so I guess I'll try that."
"Sounds interesting. I think I'm going to get the Spagonian platter. It's full of delicates from Spagonia." Tails said.
"How nice." Cream smiled.
"I hope. It's not cheap." Tails joked.
The food arrived and the couple ate in silence, seeming esque to Sonic and Amy's first date.
After the meal, Tails rubbed his belly.
"That was delicious." He said.
"Yes, it was worth every penny." Cream added.
"Hey, Cream?"
"Yes, Tails?"
"Can I take you somewhere? There's this place Sonic showed me at Emerald Coast that I want to show you." Tails said as he played the bill, which was not cheap.
"Of course you can." Cream replied, smiling.
"Great, and it's the perfect time as well." Tails pointed to the sky, which was now covered with the blanket of night, stars littering the skyline.
"Lead the way." Cream linked her arms around Tails', and the young couple made their way to their location.
Emerald Coast, 15 Minutes Later
Tails had taken Cream to a high spot past the lighthouse at Emerald Coast. The view was unbelievable. The stars were twinkling, the moon was reflecting off the ocean, the whole scene was just a beautiful sight to behold.
"T-tails, this is beautiful!" Cream gasped.
"Yes, it is. When the whole Meterex thing ended and Cosmo died, I would come here. Sonic showed it to me one day. His running around has lead him to some beautiful places. I don't come to this one as much as I do the one in Windy Valley, but it's just as, if not, more beautiful as the other spot."
Tails' Workshop, Mystic Ruins
"Tails, you in here?" Sonic called out, walking into Tails' Workshop.
No response.
"Tails, I know you're here." He added.
Tails then walked out.
"Oh, hey, Sonic." He sniffed.
"You look awful, buddy." Sonic told him, frowning.
Tails ran over and hugged Sonic.
"I miss her, Sonic!" Tails cried into Sonic's peach colored stomach.
"We all do, Tails, We all do. She's a hero. She gave her own life for ours and the galaxy."
"I loved her, Sonic." Tails sniffed.
"I know you did."
"I thought she was the one for me."
Sonic didn't say anything in response as he had no clue on how to respond to that. He then got an idea.
"Come with me." He grabbed Tails' hand and took off running.
"S-sonic, where are we going?" Tails asked.
"You'll see." Sonic grinned.
Emerald Coast
"Here we are." Sonic said.
"Where are we?"
"Emerald Coast, pal."
"Why did you bring me here, exactly?" Tails asked.
"This is a spot I come to when I need to be alone." Sonic replied.
"You want me to have a place to think outside my workshop, don't you?" Tails asked.
Sonic nodded.
"Thank you, Sonic." Tails told him.
"Any time, bro."
Regular Time
"I've actually have another reason I brought you here. I promised myself that if I ever fell in love again, I would bring them to this spot. There's also another thing I need to." Tails said.
"What is that?" Cream asked.
"It's very important I do this. I need to ask you something." Tails replied.
"What? Tails, you can tell me anything." Cream took Tails' hand in hers.
Tails got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box from his namesakes.
"Ever since Cosmo died, I never thought I would ever love anyone again. But I was wrong. You proved me wrong."
"Tails, are you-"
"Yes, Cream. Will you marry me?"
"Oh, Tails, YES, I will!" Cream cried.
Tails slipped the ring on Cream's finger, then brought her in for a passionate kiss.
When they broke for air, Cream said; "You're the only guy that makes me happy!"
"Likewise." Tails chuckled as he brought Cream in for another kiss.
After a while of looking at the stars, the now engaged couple headed home.
It was the start of a new adventure for Tails and Cream. One they would travel together.

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