Vicious Vixen

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Chapter 17: Vicious Vixen
(A.K.A. It's not Sally, but that other Archie Sonic girl that's evil)
Secret Underground Area
It was dark. You could see nothing. Rouge stirred. She moaned only to realize it was muffled. She tried to get up, but she couldn't. She was tied to a chair, her arms tied behind it, her feet tied to the chair, and a sliver of tape across her mouth. She looked around but saw nothing but pitch black. Then, the room was lit. Rouge was in a solid white room with no windows. Then, the sound of a door unlocking could be heard. The door swung open to reveal an old foe of the bat.
"Hello, Rouge." The woman said as she walked over and yanked the tape off of Rouge's lips.
"Fiona!" Rouge yelled, clearly angry.
"Yes, Rouge, it's me. Miss me?"
"Like hell I did! Where am I? Where's my daughter, you stupid whore!" Rouge yelled.
"She's fine for the moment. You keep talking to me like that, and she won't be."
"If you lay a finger on her, I'll-"
"You'll what, Rouge? What are you gonna do? Last time I checked, you were tied to this chair and I wasn't. Check your facts, dumbass." Fiona said. "I'm surprised you didn't ask about your parents."
"My little girl means more to me than my shitbag parents." Rouge growled.
"Well, it is what it is." Fiona sighed.
"What the fuck do you want, Fiona? Why did you kidnap us?"
"Your parents tried to welch out on me, and I wasn't about to let that happen." Fiona answered.
"Then why the hell are me and Precious here?"
"Well, right place, right time." Fiona told her.
"Let me see my daughter, Fiona."
"Fine." Fiona snapped her fingers.
Two men appeared with Precious beside them.
The echidna-bat hybrid was handcuffed.
"Momma!" Precious ran over to Rouge.
"Precious, are you ok?" Rouge asked her now crying daughter.
"I'm scared!"
"I know you are, baby. Be brave like me and your daddy taught you. It's going to be ok." Rouge told her daughter.
"Time's up!" Fiona snapped her fingers again.
The two men grabbed Precious and pulled her away.
"No! Mommy, please help me!" Precious screamed as she was pulled out of the room.
The sight was heartbreaking for Rouge, making her tear up at the sight of being torn from her daughter.
"Aw, how heartbreaking. NOT!" Fiona mocked.
"Why don't you let her go! Whatever you have on her, take out on me!" Rouge yelled.
"Oh, you would love that, wouldn't you? Well, she'll suffer along with you and your parents!" Fiona placed a piece of tape on Rouge's mouth, turned off the lights, and left the room.
Rouge began to slowly tear up, now fearing for her little girl's safety.

I hate to do this, but our chapter frenzy must end here. I'll upload more chapters in the next few days, I promise. I won't leave you all hanging on the cliff for long. See what I did there. Anyway, night, guys.

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