A Tailream Wedding

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Chapter 23: A Tailream Wedding
(A.K.A. Time to make Silver and Maria the only unmarried couple)
Next Morning, Tails' Workshop, Mystic Ruins, 7 AM
Cream had agreed to stay with her mom to keep the tradition of the bride and groom not seeing each other to a whole new level.
Tails also agreed to it, though. He woke up the next morning, still a bit tired for the bachelor party.
"Well, today's the day." Tails told himself. "The day where Cream and I prove our love for each other."
He hopped out of bed to make him some breakfast.
"Come on, Tails, you gotta shake this nervous feeling." He told himself. "But hey, I'm getting married. Nerves are supposed to be apart of it." Tails began to cook his breakfast, thinking of what would take place later today.
Vanilla's House
"Cream, dear, it's time to get up." Vanilla said, waking her daughter from her slumber.
"Morning, Mama." Cream said in a cheerful, yet tired voice.
"So today's the day my girl turns into a woman." Vanilla stated, tears brimming her eyes.
"Oh, Mom, don't cry. Everything is alright." Cream told her, running to hug her mother.
"I know it is. It's just that you've grown up so fast." The elder rabbit sobbed.
"I'll say. It feels like you were six the other day." Vector said, walking in.
"Yes, that's very true." Vanilla added.
"I just got off the phone with Amy. She said her, along with the rest of the girls are on the way over, so I'm heading over to Tails' place. I'll see you two at the wedding." Vector said as he made his way out.
"I should get myself cleaned up." Cream said as she made her way to the the bathroom.
Tails' Workshop, Mystic Ruins
"Come in, guys. Glad you made it." Tails greeted as Vector and Jack walked in.
Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Espio, Charmy, Mighty, and Ray were already there.
"Finally, Vector." Charmy complained.
"Shut it, Charmy!" Vector snapped back.
"Well, you made it, so that's the important thing." Silver said.
"Everything's good. So what time are we leaving?" Tails asked.
"I thought you were in charge of the time." Knuckles told him.
"Uh, well, maybe." Tails blushed in embarrassment.
Shadow rolled his eyes, but chuckled.
"We can go whenever, buddy. Today is about you and Cream." Sonic told Tails.
"Thanks, Sonic. Give us about five minutes and we'll be ready to go." Tails said, now brimming with confidence.
"Just calm down, pal." Sonic told him.
"I'll try." Tails replied.
Later, Wedding Chapel
"How does this look, Cream?" Rouge asked.
Cream looked in the mirror and gasped.
"Oh my goodness, it looks beautiful!" The rabbit squealed in joy.
"No, you look beautiful." Amy told her.
"Oh, stop." Cream blushed.
"You look this good, and you haven't even put on your wedding dress yet." Maria added.
Cream blushed deeper.
"Oh, stop, you girls."
"But it's true." Blaze joked.
"Indeed." Rouge nodded.
"I'm grateful for the words. I just hope Tails thinks the same." Cream said.
"You better believe he will." Amy winked.
"He definitely will." Rouge put in.
"Now let's get you into your wedding dress." Maria pointed out.
"You ready, Cream?" Blaze said.
The rabbit could only nod in an excited manner.
Cream's dress was a pearl white dress with a daisy made of orange beads on the sides.
After putting the dress on, the other girls gasped again.
"Oh my Chaos!" They all said.
"Oh, come on." Cream giggled, blushing again.
The other girls just laughed.
Men's Room
Tails had just put on his wedding tux and was adjusting his yellow bowtie.
"Still have no style, I see." Tails told me.
"You clean up just fine, pal." Sonic said.
"Ok. Well, you clean up nice." Sonic said.
"I try." Tails chuckled.
"It's getting close." Shadow then said.
Tails took a deep breath.
"Oh, boy." He said.
"Relax, buddy. It'll be ok. You'll see that this is what you really wanted in the end." Sonic explained.
"You're right, Sonic. I proposed to Cream for a reason, and I'm not backing out of it." The fox said, confidence in his voice.
"That's the spirit." Knuckles smiled.
"Ready, Tails?" Shadow asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be." He answered.
Shadow nodded and everyone made their way out.
A few minutes later
Everything was in play. The wedding was set. The time was now.
Sonic, Amy, and the others had taken their places
Then, Tails walked out, making his way to the priest, who was Parker, who all these years later, was still a priest.
Remember Parker for Sonic and Amy's wedding in 'Violet Rose?' If not, read the final chapter of said story
Sonic stood next to him as his best man. The three groomsman were sitting in the front pew on the groom's side. The trio were Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver. Amadeus and Rosemary were also up front.
"Our boy looks so handsome." Rosemary whispered to her husband.
"Indeed he does." The elder fox added.
"You are quite right." Another person said.
"Wait, Merlin?" Rosemary whispered, turning around.
"Yes. I managed to make some free time in my travels to attend my nephew's wedding." Merlin said.
"Well, we're glad that you're here." Rosemary smiled.
"It is good to see you, brother." Amadeus said.
"Same to you, brother." Merlin nodded.
Then, music began playing.
Cream was about to walk out.
Tails looked calm on the inside, but on the inside, he was freaking out.
'Oh, man, oh, man, here she comes! No, Tails, calm down. It's ok. You wanted this.' He said to himself.
Then, Cream, led by Jack, came into view and were approaching the priest.
'She looks amazing!' Tails said in his head.
Jack lead Cream beside Tails and took his seat.
Amy took her place by Cream, representing her role as her Maid of Honor.
The rest of the girls sat in the front pew on the bride's side. They were the three bridesmaids: Blaze, Rouge, and Maria. Vanilla, Vector, and Jack sat toward the end.
The room got quiet.
It was time.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Miles Prower and Cream the Rabbit in Holy Matrimony. Is there anyone here that objects to this? Speak now or forever hold your peace." Parker read.
No one said a word.
Eggman, who I didn't mention until now, sneezed, but no one payed him any attention.
"The groom will now say his vows, followed by the bride." Parker said.
Tails took a deep breath.
"Cream, I love you. I never thought this day would come for me. After Cosmo died, I thought I would be single forever. You proved me wrong. You showed me that there is someone out there for me, and it's you. I can't wait to call you my wife." Tails stated.
Cream smiled, the guys nodded, and a few ladies in attendance were wiping away tears.
"And now for the bride." Parker said.
"Tails, I always had the feeling that we were meant to be together, and it would seem that we are. These vows aren't the greatest, but hopefully my next phrase will get my point across: I love you, Tails, and I want to start a family and spend the rest of my life with you." Cream stated.
The rabbit was met with very positive reception.
"Best man, will you present the rings?"
"I sure will." Sonic smiled as he handed the rings to the hedgehog priest.
"Cream, do you take Miles to be your husband?"
"I do." Cream said.
"And do you, Miles, take Cream to be your wife?"
"I do." Tails said.
"Then, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Prower. You may kiss the bride." Parker said, closing his book.
Tails and Cream closed the gap and connected their lips, sealing the marriage, along with everyone yelling and clapping in the background. The fox picked up his new wife and carried her across the the hall.
Later, Reception Hall
"Oh, Tails, we have someone here to see you." Rosemary told her son.
"Who?" The newlywed asked.
"It would be me, nephew." Merlin said, walking up.
"Uncle Merlin!" Tails walked over and hugged his uncle, who returned the gesture.
"It has been too long."
"Yes, it has." Tails chuckled.
"I managed to find a stopping point in my adventures to come see you get married." Merlin explained. "There is also something I need to talk to you about."
Tails' smile slightly dropped.
"Is it good or bad?" Tails asked.
"It has no ill will, nephew." Merlin assured him. "A mere riddle, if you will."
"Ok then, Uncle Merlin, lay it on me." Tails said.
"The future depends on the future." Merlin said.
"Huh?" Tails was as confused as ever.
"When the time comes, you'll understand. Until then, do not fret, nephew. It is your wedding day. Enjoy it." Merlin assured him.
"Thanks, Uncle Merlin." Tails smiled.
However, the fox knew that what Merlin had said would sit with him for a while.
'What does Uncle Merlin mean?'  Tails thought. 'Like he said, I'll know when the time is right.' Tails went back to enjoying his wedding.
Sonic gave his speech, the reception enjoyed every second.
This was the start of a new adventure for the two, an adventure they hoped would last a lifetime, one that has no shot of ending.
But what Merlin said somewhat went with what Silver said when Tails was trying to buy a ring. What did it all mean? What was it all referring to? Only time would tell.
But was it good or bad?

Tails and Cream are now officially married! But Merlin gave a riddle that made Tails think. Is it related to what Silver told Tails? As stated, only time will tell.

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