Fox with a Vengeance

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Chapter 27: Fox with a Vengeance
(A.K.A. The future reveals itself)
2 Days Later, Star Light Zone
"I'm glad you made it, Silver." Merlin said as the white hedgehog landed in front of him.
"What is it that you needed, Merlin?" Silver asked.
"It seems that the seed has been planted."
"Really?" Silver's ears dropped a tad be.
"What is troubling you, Silver?" Merlin asked.
"I feel a little bad for how this directly involved Tails and Cream. This is really going to hurt them." The hedgehog sighed.
"I do not like this happening to my nephew and niece-in-law anymore than you do, but in the grand scheme of things, this was going to happen." Merlin explained.
"Yes, it was."
Then, a black figure flew by
"What was that?" Silver asked.
"There!" Merlin pointed to a figure that looked exactly like Tails, only his fur was solid black and his eyes were red, beady eyes.
"Merlin, is that one of them?"
"Yes, it is! This is the one who is Tails." Merlin said.
"I see that, but how did he get here?"
"I have no idea."
The fox then lunged at the two, who quickly moved aside.
"Stop trying to prevent the inevitable." The figure said.
"Who and what are you?" Silver asked, getting ready to fight.
"You may call me Sark Tails, also known as the one that will dispatch of Serenity." Sark Tails said.
"That's not possible, she hasn't been-"
Merlin wacked Silver upside his head with his staff.
"He doesn't know, and doesn't need to know." Merlin whispered.
"You shall lead me to her." The black fox demanded.
"Not a chance!" Silver yelled as Sark Tails charged at him, but the hedgehog held him in place with his powers.
"Cheap tactic, huh?" Sark Tais pulled out a red gem.
"Wait, is that a Time Stone?" Silver questioned.
"This is none of your concern. It appears that Sally was right about it being too soon." Sark Tails grumbled. He then disappeared.
"Where did he go?" Silver began to look around, but to no avail.
"Relax, Silver. He had gone back to his place of origin." Merlin assured him.
"Good riddance. But he knows about Serenity."
"Unfortunately, he does, but Serenity is not upon us yet." Merlin pointed out.
"It won't be long." Silver put in.
"No, it won't be."
The two looked into the horizon.

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