Hedgehog Protection

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Chapter 30: Hedgehog Protection
(A.K.A. Basically an insurance policy)
Sonic and Amy's House, A little while later)
Tails and Cream had arrived at the Hedgehog household.
Tails knocked on the door, and in an instant, Sonic greeted them with his usual smile.
"Hey, guys. I see that you're back from your Honeymoon." He said.
"Hey, Sonic. Is it ok if we come inside?" Tails asked.
"Sure thing, pal. Come on in." Sonic gestured for the couple to come inside.
It was quiet with the exception of the TV as Sarah was at school and Carter was down for his afternoon nap.
"Oh, hi, you two. How are things?" Amy greeted in her usual cheerful manner.
"Well, that's what we came to talk to you two about." Cream said.
"Why, what's the matter?" Sonic asked, sitting in his recliner.
"Uh, well, I don't know an easier way to say this, so I'm just going to say it: I'm pregnant with triplets." Cream stated.
Sonic and Amy looked at each other with shocked faces.
Tails got Cream pregnant.
They knew they would have kids, but not days after they got married! But figuring Tails and Cream were their best friends and family, they would support them, even though they were already going to do that.
Amy smiled, ran over, and hugged Cream.
"You are keeping them, right?" She asked.
"Absolutely!" Tails and Cream said at the same time.
"Good." Amy breathed. "We can celebrate this, right?"
Cream giggled. "Yes, Amy, you can."
"Just checking."
"Tails, a word, buddy." Sonic told Tails as the two walked outside.
"Are you mad at me, Sonic?" Tails asked, spinning his fingers
"Mad, no. Surprised, yes, but mad, no." Sonic answered.
"I didn't plan on this. This all happened because-"
"You didn't wear a condom."
"Exactly right, Sonic."
"But I'm surprised, Tails. Cream is 19-"
"Amy was 19 when you got her pregnant." Tails pointed out.
"True, but..." Sonic stuttered. "Damn, you got me. My point is that you two should have been more careful."
"We were drunk, Sonic. We didn't know what we were doing. We partied, we stayed out all night, we had sex, and she got pregnant. I didn't mean it, Sonic, I swear!" Tails told him, slightly tearing up.
"Whoa, buddy, it's ok. You and Cream will be fine. Me and Amy will be with you two the whole way." Sonic assured him.
"But what if I'm not a good father?"
"Don't say that, Tails. You will be a good, no, great, no, amazing father, and Cream will be an amazing mother." Sonic stated.
"R-really? You think so?" Tails wiped his eyes.
"I don't think so, little bro, I know so." Sonic gave him a thumbs-up.
"Thank you, Sonic. I mean it." Tails hugged the Blue Blur.
"It's no problem, Tails. So, have you told Vanilla and Vector yet?"
Tails froze again.
"Well, uh..."
"That would be a no then."
"That's another reason why we came over. I'm pretty sure Vector will kill me, so could you come with me as back up?" Tails asked.
"Sure." Sonic agreed.
"Thanks, Sonic. I honestly don't know what I would do without you." Tails said.
Sonic just chuckled.
Sonic and Tails walked in to see Amy and Cream gigging.
"So we're going to Vanilla's house, aren't we?" Amy asked.
"Yep. You two were having the same conversation as us, weren't you?" Sonic asked.
"Yes, we were." Amy answered.
"Well, let's go get this over with, shall we?" Sonic suggested.
"U-uh, yea, let's go." Tails said, nervousness in his voice.
Sonic bent down to Tails' ear and whispered:
"Relax, little bro, I got you. Vector has to get through me, then Amy, and then Cream, which he won't make it through. It's fine."
"Ok then, let's go get this over with." Tails said.
The others nodded as Amy went to get Carter and they left.
Vanilla's House
"Sonic, I don't know if I can do this." Tails said, nervously.
"It's got to be done, little buddy, and you know it." Sonic told him. "Just relax, it's fine. I'll be behind you the whole way."
"I know you will be." Tails said.
Cream knocked on the door, in which Vanilla answered.
"Oh, Cream, what a surprise. And I see the others are here as well. How's my son-in-law doing?" Vanilla greeted.
"Good, but there is something very, very important that we need to tell you, and you're probably not going to like it." Tails told her.
"Why, what is it?" Vector asked, appearing in the doorway.
"We'll explain inside." Tails said as they all walked inside.
"So what's going on?" Vector asked Tails.
"Well, uh, you see, I may of, um, got Cream pregnant." Tails squeaked out.
Vanilla and Vector were stunned
"Is this true, Cream?" Vanilla asked, her face still expressionless.
Cream nodded.
"Yes, mother, it is."
"I-I don't believe it." Vector stuttered.
"You're not going to kill me, are you?" Tails put his namesakes over his face.
"What? No, of course not, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset." Vector answered.
"True." Sonic added.
"You are keeping it, correct?"
"Well, yes, but it's not it, it's them." Cream pointed out.
"Them? You're having twins?" Vanilla asked.
"No. It's triplets." Cream said.
"Oh, wow." Vanilla said in shock. "I'm having three grandchildren."
Vector laughed and pulled his wife, stepdaughter, and son-in-law into a big hug.
"I'm going to be a Granddad, ha ha! Charmy said it would never happen, but I showed him." The Croc teased. "It is a joyous occasion, right, Vanilla?"
"Y-yes, it is. Even though you two did something like this too early, I'm with you all the way." Vanilla stated.
"Thank you, Mom! Thank you, Papa Vector!" Cream said.
"We love you too much to not be behind you." Vector pointed out.
"All of us." Amy added.
"We don't know what to say." Tails said.
"Just say that you'll be amazing parents." Sonic told him.
"Yes, we will." Cream answered, taking Tails' hand in hers.

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