All is Well

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Chapter 21: All is Well
(A.K.A. Now we can get back to the actual plot)
Sonic and Amy's house, 25 Minutes later
"Mom! Precious!" Karson yelled as he ran over to hug his mother and little sister. "I was scared that you two wouldn't come back!" He cried.
"Oh, hush, son! I'd never leave any of you! I love you too much." Rouge told her son.
"I love you, too, Mom." Karson told Rouge. "And I'll never let anyone hurt you as long as I'm around, Precious." He told his sister
"Oh, Karson!" Precious pulled him into a bear hug.
"Ok, can't breathe, sis!" Karson gasped.
"Sorry." Precious let go.
"Well, it's good to have you back, Precious." Sarah said.
"It's good to be back." Precious added.
"Well, it seems all is well." Amy put in.
"Yes, indeed." Cream added.
"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to go home. Mom, Dad, I would like for you to come with us." Rouge said.
"Ok, dear." Melody said.
The family made their way home, waving to the others.
"I'm so glad she's ok. I'm sure Knuckles will be back to normal now." Amy said, taking Sonic's hand in hers.
"He should. I always knew Knux had a soft spot." Sonic added.
"Everyone does for their family." Tails put in.
"That's true, buddy. I know I sure do." Sonic said. "And soon you will, too."
Tails and Cream blushed at that statement, but knew Sonic was right. They would be married in a few months.
"Well, that's true." Cream smiled.
"Well, I'm tired. Ready to go home, Cream?" Tails said.
"Yea, I'm about there with you. See you two later." Cream replied as she and Tails waved good-bye to the hedgehog family and headed home.

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