Silver the Ring Expert?

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Chapter 7: Silver the Ring Expert?
(A.K.A. Why the hell are there questions in the chapter titles now?)
Station Square, 1 Hour later
"Who are we going to meet, Amy?" Tails asked.
"Someone familiar."
"I trust you."
The two continued until they saw a familiar white hedgehog.
"Hey, Tails, I heard I'm helping you find a wedding ring." Silver greeted.
"Uh, yeah, I guess you are." Tails said.
"I promise everything will be ok. I won't steer you wrong, Tails." Silver assured him.
"I trust you, Silver. How are things with Maria?"
"Good. I visit her anytime I can."
"That's good. So where are we going, Silver?" Amy asked.
"To the future."
"I promise it'll be ok. We'll go where we need to go and that's it."
"Ok, then, let's go."
Silver opened a portal and the trio walked through the portal.
The Future
The group appeared out of the portal.
"Well, here we are."
Tails and Amy looked upon the future skyline. It was pleasant and beautiful. The sky was blue and cloudless, everyone was in a happy and mellow mood, and there was seemingly no care in the world.
"Silver, you weren't kidding about the future." Tails said.
"When it's not in danger, it is wonderful."
"So where do we need to go?" Amy asked.
"Follow me."
Jewelry Store
"Well, Tails, the reason I brought you all the way here to the future is because there is something behind your decision."
"What's that?"
"If Cream says yes, then your marriage must work out, Tails."
"I'm sorry, Tails, I can't say." Silver sighed.
"I understand. Hmm, what about this ring?" Tails pointed to a certain ring.
"It's pretty." Amy gasped in delight.
"Is that the one you want, Tails?"
"Yes, but it's expensive and I can't afford that." Tails' ears drooped.
"I'll get it for you." Amy said.
"It'll be fine. Me and Sonic had a plan for if you ever wanted to pop the question to Cream."
"Amy, I-I don't know what to say." Tails smiled.
"You don't have to say anything. Just make my best friend happy." Amy told him.
"I will."
Amy bought the ring, gave it to Tails, and the trio headed back to the present.
"Good luck, Tails. I'll be waiting for my invitation if she says yes." Silver shook the fox's hand.
"You got it." Tails said.
"I'm going to visit Maria. I'll see you two around." Silver left.
Tails hugged Amy.
"Thank you, Amy."
"It's no problem, Tails. Just know we got your back." Amy smiled, hugging back.

Ok, so get ready for quite a few chapters in the next few days. Not lying this time. I'm heading off to bed, so I'll see you guys tomorrow.

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