Blessing of Vanilla

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Chapter 6: Blessing of Vanilla
(A.K.A. Think about this: Your child, getting married at Age 18. Just think for a second before you start reading this chapter)
Vanilla's House, 2 Hours Later
Tails and Amy arrived at Vanilla's house just after Cream and Jack had left. Jack went to meet Vector and the two got along well.
Tails was shaking like a leaf on a tree.
"You'll be fine, Tails. I promise it'll be ok." Amy said.
"Are you sure? I feel like I have no chance of them saying yes."
"Tails, listen to me. If you just tell them how you truly feel about Cream, then they should give you their blessing." Amy told him.
"Thanks, Amy. I-I think I'm ready."
"Then let's head on in." Amy said as she knocked on the door.
A few seconds later, Vanilla opened the door.
"Amy, Tails, what a surprise." Vanilla greeted.
"Hello, Vanilla. Me and Tails need to talk to you about something important." Amy told her.
"Well, come on in." Vanilla let the two in and led them to the couch where Vector was.
"Hello, you two." Vector greeted.
"Hello, Vector, how are you?" Amy replied.
"Doing well. What are you two doing here?"
"Tails has something important he needs to tell the two of you."
"Oh, really? What's up, Tails?"
"W-well, uh, you see, I-I've been th-thinking about something lately, and... oh, geez." Tails sweated.
"Tails, whatever it is, you can tell us." Vanilla told him.
"Me and Cream have been dating for a few years now, and..." Tails took a deep breath. "I was wondering if I could have your blessing to marry her."
Vanilla and Vector looked at each other for a few seconds before Vector gave a slight nod.
Vanilla looked back at Tails and placed her hand on top of his shoulder.
"Tails, of course you have my blessing to marry my daughter. You are the only one I can see her happy with. Vector also agrees."
"R-really? Thank you!" Tails hugged Vanilla.
"You've always been like a son to me, Tails." She added.
"So now you have to buy a ring." Amy winked.
"Y-yea, I need to save up for that." Tails breathed.
"I might know someone who can help you with that."

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