Rehearsal Dinner: Tailream Edition

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Chapter 22: Rehearsal Dinner: Tailream Edition
(A.K.A. Rip off myself much?)
A few months later, Spagonian Cuisine
Before anyone knew it, the Rehearsal Dinner was here.
Tails and Cream had decided to have said event at the restaurant where Tails took Cream on the night he proposed to her, taking a page from Sonic and Amy's book.
Tails was waiting for his Best Man and Groomsmen to arrive. He was wearing a formal grey coat as the weather has gotten a bit cooler as it was nearing Halloween.
Sonic then arrived alongside Amy, Sarah, and Carter.
Sonic was wearing a long sleeved green button up shirt, Amy was wearing a blue dress with a pink jacket, along with black flats, Sarah was wearing a white dress with flower sandals, and Carter had a red and white sweater vest with black dress shoes on.
"Hey, guys. Glad you made it." Tails greeted.
"Wouldn't miss it for anything." Sonic said, rehashing what Tails had told him on the night of his Rehearsal Dinner.
"I know you wouldn't." Tails told him.
"This is a glorious event. Brrr, it's cold out here. I'm taking the kids inside. See you two in there." Amy said as she lead Sarah and carried Carter inside.
"Peaceful breezy night, huh?" Sonic commented.
"Yea, it is." Tails added.
"Tails, somehow I knew this day was coming. Now that it's here, I don't know what else to say except that I'm proud of you and that I'm so happy for you, buddy." Sonic told him.
"Thanks, Sonic. Figures you could say that I have grown up." Tails said.
"You have, Tails. You sure have. I'll see you inside."
"Ok, Sonic."
Then, Knuckles and his family arrived.
Knuckles was wearing a white formal coat, Rouge was wearing a blue dress, along with blue heels, Karson was wearing a tan collared shirt, and Precious had a green dress on.
"Hey, Tails. It's almost time." Knuckles greeted.
"Yes, it is." Tails answered.
"You nervous, hun?" Rouge asked.
"I'd by lying if I said I wasn't." Tails chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
"You'll be fine. Don't overthink things." Rouge assured him.
"I'll try not to." Tails chuckled.
"You'll be fine, pal." Knuckles patted the fox's back.
"I have faith that it will. I'll see you all inside." Tails said.
Knuckles and Rouge nodded and walked inside with their kids.
Then, Shadow, Blaze, and Shadic appeared.
Shadow was wearing a black formal coat, Blaze was wearing a white dress with her usual magenta heels, while Shadic had on a small tux.
"Good evening, Tails." Blaze stated.
"Good evening, Blaze, Shadow, Shadic." Tails greeted.
"This is a big step, Tails. Even though you are still quite young, I believe that you are doing the right thing for you and Cream." Shadow stated.
"Thanks, Shadow. I believe it is, too." Tails replied.
But the fox did have a lingering question in the back of his mind.
"Am I ready for this?"
Tails had the sentence shuffle through his mind for a few minutes before Silver and Maria arrived.
Silver had on a white dress shirt with a red tie, while Maria had a tan dress with red heels. The two walked up hand in hand.
"Hey, Tails." Silver said.
Tails was snapped out of his thoughts.
"Hey, guys, glad you're here." Tails said to them, shaking Silver's hand.
"We're glad to be here." Maria smiled at him.
"Well, let's not wonder around here. It's getting a little chilly, so why don't we head inside?" The fox suggested.
"Yeah, that's a good idea." Silver said as the trio made their way inside.
It was a great and happy vibe I side the restaurant.
"Oh, Tails, is everyone here?" Cream asked, running over?
She had on a light blue dress and red heels.
"Everyone is here, my love." Tails smiled, kissing the rabbit's cheek.
"Then we should be ready to start."
"Indeed so."
Tails took Cream's hand in his and lead her to the table. The two set down.
Cream tapped her wine glass.
"Uh, attention, everyone. We would like to get started, please." She said as the room fell silent. "Thank you all for coming. You have no idea what it means to us. Tails will now proceed to give his speech." Cream sat while Tails stood.
"Thank you. To be honest, I didn't know if I would ever find anyone to marry. I didn't know if there would be someone out there for me. I definitely didn't think there was after Cosmo died. But Cream changed my answer. She captured my heart. She showed me that there is someone out there for me. It's her. Sure, we may be getting married a bit sooner than most people, but we're not like most people, and that goes for almost everyone in here."
Everyone nodded at the fox's statement.
"We're all our own person. We make our own decisions, whether they be good or bad. Personally, I feel like I'm about to make one of, if not, the greatest decision of my life." Tails said. "That's all I have for my speech. Thank you."
The fox sat down to a roar of applause and a kiss from his soon-to-be wife.
"That was amazing, Tails." Cream told him.
"It was just something I wrote down." Tails smiled.
"Well, it was lovely." The rabbit said as the food began to get passed around.

Come back next time for the wedding of Tails and Cream!

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