Telling Your Squad

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Chapter 12: Telling Your Squad
(A.K.A. Bringing friends ever so closer)
Next Day
Tails and Cream decided to invite Sonic, Knuckles, and their families over to tell them the news. Shadow and Blaze were in the latter's dimension, so they weren't over.
Soon, the families arrived at the workshop.
"Yo, Tails, Cream." Sonic waved.
"Hello, Sonic." Cream smiled.
"So what's going on?" Knuckles asked.
"Well, Tails and I have some news." Cream said. She showed them the ring on her finger
"We're getting married!" They said together.
The echidna and bat looked at each other.
"Guys?" Tails asked.
Amy squealed, ran over to Cream, and hugged her.
"Oh, Cream, this is awesome! We have so much to do! Right, Rouge?"
"You know it." Rouge winked.
"Thank you. We'll need all the help we can get planning this thing." Cream smiled.
"You surprised me, Tails. If I said I saw this coming, I'd be lying." Knuckles chuckled, patting Tails' back. "Damn, I chuckled."
"Yea, me, too." Sonic added. "I'm proud of you, Tails. You're growing up."
"I told myself I wouldn't cry." Knuckles sniffed, fanning his face with his glove.
"Shut up, Knuckles." Tails laughed.
"But still, this is a great moment." Sonic said.
"So how long of an engagement are yo it two planning on having?" Amy asked.
"Good question." Tails said. "Is six months ok?"
"That's a little short, but it's ok if you want that." Rouge stated.
"I'm good with it." Cream stated.
"Then it's settled! The wedding will be in 6 months." Amy said.
"Deal!" Cream said.
"Well, Tails, looks like it's set." Sonic put in.
"It seems so." Tails added.

Ok, guys, I'm going to take a break because my phone is on 17%, but I'll be back with more chapters tonight, I promise! Stay tuned!

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