Hell on the Horizon

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Chapter 39: Hell on the Horizon
(A.K.A. Good Cop, Good Cop)
Silver and Tails tied Miles to a chair, determined to get answers as to why he was working with Sark Tails, or even as to how he met him.
"Ok, Miles, time to spill some beans! How did you get into contact with Sark Tails, and why were you working with him?" Silver asked.
"I'm not telling you fuckers anything! Kiss my ass!" Miles told them.
"You don't have to talk like that with children present." Cream scolded him.
"They won't remember."
Cream narrowed her eyes.
"Besides, why are you only asking me questions? Silver knows quite a bit about all of this, so ask him, too, by all means." Miles pointed out.
"For once,  you may be right, Miles, but I know you're just trying to get us to turn on each. I'm not stupid, and neither is my wife." Tails said.
"I'm just saying that he's hiding something big from all of you. If you don't believe me, then you'll find out the hard way." Miles then said.
"I trust Silver with the news more than I do you." Tails told him.
"Suit yourself." Miles rolled his eyes.
"Silver, you will sit down and tell everyone everything you know about this." Tails told Silver.
The white hedgehog sighed, but nodded.
"Perhaps it is time to tell you all what is set to happen." Silver said.
"Silver, if it's something big, you know you have to tell us." Cream added, soothing Serenity, who seemed to get uneasy at the topic.
"You're right, Cream. But in the mean time, what do we do with him?"
"We'll get back to him." Tails said as he gagged his evil twin with a rag.
"Mmph!" Miles grunted.
"Shut it, nerd!" Tails mocked as he left Miles in the dark.

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