The Village

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Chapter 36: The Village
(A.K.A. This isn't some sort of horror one off)
Hills of Mobius
Sonic and Knuckles were on their way home after another day of work.
"Oh, man, I'm tired. I'm glad that we got two days off now." Knuckles said.
"Yea, me too. Amy got the next two days off as well, so we're going to spend some time together." Sonic added.
"Yea, it has been a while since me and Rouge were alone for a while." Knuckles put in.
"Hey, Knux, check that out over there." Sonic said as he pointed to a nearby village.
"Yea, that is a bit strange, isn't it?"
"Should we go check it out? It doesn't look evil or anything." Sonic suggested.
"Might as well." Knuckles agreed.
The village was very small, consisting of very few homes and buildings in general.
"A Christmas village." Sonic said.
"Our wives would love it here. You know we still need to do some Christmas shopping." Knuckles said.
"Yea, I know, but we still have time, Knux. Let's look around this village. Who knows, maybe we'll even find something here."
"Yea, true."
The two explored the village. It was very nice and full of positive vibes from the cheerful people in the village. The duo were currently inside an antique store, looking at some pretty neat stuff.
"Hey, Knux, check this out." Sonic said as he pointed to a replica of Angel Island.
"Whoa, that is cool. How much is it?" Knuckles asked.
"That would be 35 rings." A penguin wearing a top hat said, waddling over.
"Really, is that it? Wow! You have got yourself a deal." Knuckles told him. "You see anything, Sonic?"
"Actually, yea." The hedgehog walked over to another item, but it was strange. He picked it up to examine it. "This looks like Serenity." He whispered. 'But why?' Sonic scratched his head in thought. "I guess I'll buy this one."
"Ah, our Chosen One replica. That sells for a little extra at 75 rings." The penguin said.
"It's fine, I'll still pay." Sonic told him as he and Knuckles made their way to the cash register to pay for the pieces of art.
"Will this be all?" The female jaguar asked.
"Yes, this is it." Sonic told her.
"We're paying separately." Knuckles put in.
The two payed for their things. Before Sonic left, he asked the penguin a question.
"Can I ask you a question?" Sonic asked.
"Sure thing, young hedgehog."
"This sculpture looks a lot like my youngest niece. I'm just curious. You said this was 'The Chosen One', correct?"
"Yes, sir. Then I can tell you. One day, your niece will be the one to rise up and defeat the Dark Side and save Mobius. We don't know when this will take place, but it's something the Chosen One will have to do in her lifetime." The penguin explained.
"Thanks for telling me about this. Also, another question."
"When did this village get here? I've never seen it before until tonight." Sonic stated.
"Well, our village is magical and has the ability to travel around the world during the month of December. We originally reside on Christmas Island." The penguin told him.
"I was born on Christmas Island." Sonic pointed out.
"I know. That's the reason you seemed so familiar was when I saw you for the first time."
"Oh, yea, that makes sense."
"Well, it's nice to see how you turned out." The Penguin told him.
"Thank you. You know, I need to go visit home." Sonic said.
"We would love to have you there. I'm actually the mayor. I travel with this village. I'm Perry, by the way." Perry said.
"Well, it's nice to meet you." Sonic shook Perry's hand.
"Same with you, Sonic."
"Well, I should get going. My wife is expecting me. Hopefully I'll see you around." Sonic waved good-bye as he took off.

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