Silver Makes a Move

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Chapter 37: Silver Makes a Move
(A.K.A. Silver and Maria join the Squad )
Later that Night, Green Hill Zone Meadows
Silver had taken Maria out for a date. There was something he was going to ask her.
"Silver, why are we here?" Maria asked. She was wearing an ice blue dress and blue heels.
"I have a surprise." Silver said. He was wearing a black collared shirt.
"Oh, really? Now I wonder." Maria teased.
"Oh, hush." Silver chuckled.
"I know you mean well, Silver." Maria kissed his cheek.
"Yes. I brought you here to see this amazing view. Check it out!" Silver pointed to the ever glowing starry sky, along with a full moon floating and reflecting off the lake below.
"Oh my Chaos, Silver, it's beautiful!" Maria explained.
"Yes, it is. It's also the perfect opportunity for me to do this." Silver stated.
"Do what?" Maria asked.
Silver got down on one knee.
"M-maria..." Silver stuttered.
He pulled out a black box.
"Silver?" Maria was stunned.
Was he about to...?
"M-maria, will you m-marry me?" Silver asked with every ounce of his body shaking uncontrollably
"Silver, yes, of course!" Maria exclaimed, pulling the white hedgehog up and kissing him passionately. "I love you, Silver." She told him after the lip locking broke.
"I love you, too, Maria."
"You did ask Shadow, right?"
"Yea, of course. Do you know what he would do to me if I didn't ask him?"
"Yea, I have an idea what." Maria giggled.
"It took me a second to get him to agree to it. All I had to do was tell him how happy you would be." Silver explained.
"Aw, Shadow does have a soft spot." Maria smiled.
"Yes, he does when it comes to you, Blaze, Shadic, Amy, and Sweet Mountain Rolls."
"So is that a callback to the Shadow liking Swiss Rolls joke?" Maria asked.
"It seems so." Silver replied as he and Maria watched the starry night sky together.

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