Settling In

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Chapter 3: Settling In
(A.K.A. Just a shortie here, waiting for Joe Pera to come on at 11.)
Tails' Workshop, Mystic Ruins
Tails and Cream had just got done unpacking the latter's stuff.
"Well, that should be everything, Cream." Tails said.
"Thank you, Tails." Cream kissed his cheek, causing the fox to blush madly.
"It's no big deal." Tails said, lovestruck.
"I mean it, allowing me to stay here with you."
"You're my girlfriend, Cream. I'm going to do everything I can for you." Tails answered, putting his arm around Cream.
"Tails, you're always there for me." Cream told him.
"Well, I do what I can for my friends, especially you." Tails told her, blushing.
"Well, it's appreciated." Cream told him. "When do you go to work?"
"In a few days." Tails answered. "You can just chill around the house."
"Oh, ok. I promise I'll take care of the place."
"I know you will." Tails smiled at her.

Wanted to get more done today, but started jamming, watching NBA, and my phone is close to death, so I must run. Waiting for the next episode of "Joe Pera talks with you". That show's amazing! Anyway, see you guys tomorrow!

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