Prower Inc.

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Chapter 8: Prower Inc.
(A.K.A. This is exactly what we need, a chapter about the trio getting ready for work)
2 Days Later, Sonic and Amy's House, 5 AM
Sonic's alarm clock buzzed. It was time for his first day of work.
He quickly shut off the clock so where he wouldn't wake up Amy. She tended to be a little pissy when she woke up earlier than she had to.
Sonic pecked a kiss at her forehead and headed downstairs. Being the fastest thing alive, he was in no rush as he packed his lunch.
Tails' Workshop, Mystic Ruins
Tails had woke up, managing to not wake up Cream. He was wondering when the perfect time to propose would be. Tails shook it off and knew he had to get ready for the first day of HIS new company.
"My own company." He whispered to himself, proud of his achievement.
"I'm proud of you, Tails." Cream said.
Tails gasped and jumped back.
"Cream, you scared me." Tails breathed.
"I just wanted to say have a good day and that I'm going to apply for a job." Cream kissed Tails.
"Thanks, Cream." Tails said as he headed to the door. "Love you."
"Love you, too." Cream winked.
Knuckles and Rouge's House
Yes, Knuckles got a job with Sonic and Tails. His role, like Sonic's was a bit confusing to understand, but Tails did want his closest friends to help him. However, unlike Sonic, Knuckles was just a part timer since he still had to guard the Master Emerald. He did have a plan for when he was away as Mighty had agreed to watch it while he was at work.
When he arrived in the kitchen, he saw Rouge watching the news.
"You're not going to steal the Master Emerald, are you?" Knuckles joked.
"Knuckles the Echidna, how long have we been married?" Rouge asked, hands on her hips, standing up.
"Almost six years."
"If I wanted to steal the Master Emerald, do you think that I would of married you and let you get me pregnant TWICE?"
"Rouge, it was just a joke, babe." Knuckles walked over and kissed her.
"I know. I just wanted to piss you off." Rouge giggled as she pulled Knuckles on the couch and began to make out with him.
After about two minutes, they were interrupted by a voice.
"Oh, geez, gross! I didn't need to wake up to this." Karson grumbled.
"What are you doing up so early?" Rouge gasped at her son's intrusion, pushing Knuckles off of her, sending him to the floor.
"You surprised us, son." Knuckles laughed, embarrassed.
"So I see." He said as his mom made him breakfast.
"Well, I'm going to work. Love you guys. Tell Precious I love her too." Knuckles waved.
Rouge hmphed, but smiled when Knuckles ran back and kissed her cheek.
"Almost forgot." He whispered.
"I'm going to slap the shit out of you." She whispered back.
"Have a good day at school, Karson." Knuckles laughed as he ran out of the house.
Prower Inc. Premises
"Geez, guys, what took you so long?" Sonic teased.
"We're not as fast as you." Knuckles told him.
"Well, I love that you're here early." Tails told him.
"Of course, buddy. I'm always ready if it involves running."
"Of course you are." Knuckles joked.
"Well, the other recruits are here, so let's get to it." Tails said.
Sonic and Knuckles nodded and walked inside with Tails.

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