Another Wedding Abound?

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Chapter 4: Another Wedding Abound?
(A.K.A. Is it too soon?)
Sonic and Amy's house, Saturday
Tails had woken up early to head over to Sonic and Amy's house. Cream was out with Jack, spending time with him.
It was just past 8 AM, but he was in no hurry.
Amy was off on weekends, and since the company wasn't open yet, Sonic wasn't employed.
He arrived and knocked on the door.
Amy opened the door, wearing a pink wardrobe and pink slippers.
"Hey, Tails. You're here early." Amy said with a smile on her face.
"Hello, Amy. I need to talk to you about something." Tails said.
"Just me?"
"Yes. No offense, but I feel like you'll be able to help me out more in this scenario than Sonic can." Tails answered.
"Well, come in. The kids are out with Sonic." Amy led Tails inside. "So what's the matter?"
"Well, I, uh, I don't know how to say this, but I've been thinking about something lately."
"What is it?"
"I think... I think I want to propose to Cream."
Amy was shocked.
"Y-yea. I mean think about it, Amy, we've been dating for years. Hell, she just moved in with me. If we broke up tomorrow, she'd have to move out, and she's only been in my house for a few days. If she moved out, I'd be crushed!" Tails exclaimed.
"Well, Tails, I personally think it would be a good idea. You and Cream are made for each other, but are you sure you want to? You're 20, and she's 18. Plus, we, I mean, you should probably get Vanilla's blessing."
"What? She'll never agree to that!" Tails panicked.
"I bet she will if you talk to her. Tell you what, I'll go with you for support." Amy said.
"Whenever you work up the courage." Amy replied.
"Two hours."
"Cream is over there right now, spending bonding time with her parents."
"Yea, her dad is back, I'll explain later. Point is, it would ruin the whole thing. Give it two hours, then we'll go."
"Ok, then, we'll head over in two hours." Amy smiled.
"Thanks, Amy."

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