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Chapter 14: Amnesty
(A.K.A. Can Sally really repair things with Sonic and Amy?)
Outside Sonic and Amy's house, next day
"Tails, I'm not sure I'm ready." Sally said, nervous.
"We'll be right behind you, Sally." Tails said.
"Right." Cream and Nicole nodded.
"Ok, here we go." The squirrel breathed.
Tails knocked on the door.
Sonic answered.
"Tails, buddy, what's good? Hello, Cream. Nicole, good to see you." Sonic greeted with a smile, but upon seeing Sally, his smile instantly turned into a scowl. "What are you doing here? Trying to rape my wife again?" He said in a cold tone.
"Sonic, hear me out, please." Sally told him.
"I have nothing to say to you." Sonic growled.
"Who is it, Sonic?" Amy asked, walking up to the door. She saw Sally and glared at her. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I-I've come to make amends."
"You raped me, kidnapped my husband, and hired a family foe to kidnap my daughter and attack my parents. I have nothing to say to you!" Amy yelled, sounding just like Sonic.
"Sonic, Amy, hear her out." Tails said.
"I actually didn't tell Glare to kidnap your daughter or attack your parents." Sally pointed out.
"Mom, Dad, what's happening?" Sarah asked, walking to the doorfront.
"Go watch your brother." Sonic told her.
Sarah nodded and went back inside. Even though she had no clue on what was going on, she understood the tone of her father's voice.
"Sonic, Amy, believe me when I say this, but Sally is trying to change." Nicole said.
"An apology won't be even close for me." Sonic stated, holding Amy close to him.
"Me either." Amy added.
"I don't expect you to forgive me. All I want is to show you that I'm truly sorry for what I did. I regret that decision now. I was jealous. I was too stupid to see that Amy brought you true happiness. I just wanted to tell you that." Sally said, tears brimming her eyes.
Amy looked into her eyes.
"Is she for real? Did she mean it?' She said in her head. "Wait."
"Huh?" Everyone said.
"If you're truly sorry about what you did, then I'm willing to give you a chance."
"R-really?" Sally looked up.
"I can see it in your eyes. Sonic once said the eyes are the window to the soul." Amy explained.
"Thank you, Amy." Sally cried.
"You have a lot to prove." Amy told her.
"I promise."
"Sonic, are you willing to forgive her?" Amy looked at him.
"Sure, but she's got to earn it from me too." Sonic answered.
"I'm going to show you that I'm a different person." Sally said, determined.
"Good. You're making progress to being invited to the wedding, but you're not there yet. You've still go some work to do." Tails told her.
Sally nodded.
"I'm willing to work."
"Good. You can stay with me and Cream." Tails said. "Well, we should get going. See you at work tomorrow, Sonic."
"See ya, bud." Sonic waved as everyone went their own ways.
When they were inside, Sonic asked Amy "Do you really believe Sally?"
"I do." Amy said. "But she has to prove herself."

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