Return of the Guy

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Chapter 4: Return of the Guy
(A.K.A. Another supporting character, we already have enough of these!)
Vanilla's House, A few days later
It was just another day, it seemed like, but that would soon change. There was a man walking up to Vector and Vanilla's door. He did not mean any harm, but he was about to cause some in an emotional way. He was a tall rabbit, yellow in color, wore a black shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots. He sighed when he reached the door.
"I never thought I would ever be able to come back here." He said as he knocked on the door.
A few seconds later, Vanilla opened the door and gasped at the man.
"Yes, Vanilla, it's me." Jack said.
Vanilla scowled.
"You've got a lot of nerve to come here after what you did."
"I know you're furious for me leaving, and I've finally come to say I'm sorry."
"Sorry? That's all you have to say?"
"Let me make it up to you."
"How? How in the world are you going to make up the LAST 18 YEARS?" Vanilla yelled. "You weren't here! You didn't raise a daughter on your own like I did! She doesn't even know you exist!"
"You're right. I don't even know her name. That is sad." Jack held his head in shame.
"Her name is Cream."
"Where is she?"
"She moved out a few days ago."
"She's 18, now. I trust her." Vanilla said.
"Does she have a boyfriend?"
"Yes. His name is Tails and is about to own his own company."
"How old is he?" Jack asked.
"That's about right. Uh, Vanilla, did you ever remarry?"
"Yes, I did."
"About three years ago. He's currently at work. He owns his own detective agency."
"That's nice." Jack said.
"You broke my heart, Jack. The day you left is one I'll never forget. I took raising Cream as my top priority, as I should have. She's turned out to be an angel. Cream will be a great wife to whoever she marries, and will be a great mother to her kids." Vanilla stated.
"I would like to see my daughter." Jack said.
"Are you sure she would want to see you?" Vanilla teased.
"I hope so. I want to meet her."
"If you want to meet her, go to this address." Vanilla handed Jack a tiny sheet of paper.
"I will. Thank you." Jack began to walk off, but Vanilla called out to him.
"Yes, Vanilla?"
"Did you ever find another woman?"
"No, I never did." He sighed. "I thought you still be available. Not that you would want to get back together."
Vanilla walked over and pecked Jack's lips.
"Jack, despite what you did to me, I still love you, but I moved on. My heart now belongs to Vector." She told him.
"I understand. I'm just glad you're happy. Bye, Vanilla."
"Bye, Jack."
Jack left and made his way to Tails' Workshop.
Tails' Workshop, Mystic Ruins
Cream was watching TV at this very moment. She was wearing a pink tank top, black short shorts, and had her ears in a ponytail. Then, there was a knock at the door.
"I wonder who that is?" She asked as she went to see who it was.
She wasn't sure who it could be since none of her friends said they were coming over. Tails was in the workshop, so if it was someone evil, he would hear.
She opened the door to see an unfamiliar rabbit standing there.
"Uh, hello." Cream stated
"Hello. Are you Cream the Rabbit?" He asked.
"Yes. Who wants to know?"
"My name is Jack. I'm your father."
Cream gasped.
"M-my father?" She breathed.
"Yes, I'm here to meet you. That is, if you're willing to." Jack said.
"O-of course. You are my father." Cream said, still holding a blank expression on her face.
"May I come in?"
"O-oh, sure." Cream gestured for Jack to come inside.
Tails walked in from the workshop.
"Who's this, Cream?" Tails asked.
"Tails, this is my father, Jack."
Tails went wide eyed.
"Your father?"
"I'm guessing you're Tails, correct?"
"Yes, sir, that's me. Nice to meet you." Tails offered his hand, in which Jack shook.
"So you're my daughter's boyfriend?" Jack asked.
"Y-yes sir, I am."
"Then it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I heard that you're about to own your own company."
"That's correct, sir. Wait, how did you know that?"
"I went by to visit Vanilla earlier today." Jack pointed out.
"So you saw Mom?" Cream asked.
"Yes, I did. I told her things and now I need to tell you some things." Jack replied.
Like what?"
"The truth. The real reason it took 18 years for you to meet me." Jack held his head in shame.
"Dad, just tell me." Cream smiled at him.
Jack smiled back.
"I was scared. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to be a parent!" Jack exclaimed.
"Oh, Dad." Cream sighed.
"I was a coward, but I don't regret my decision of getting your mother pregnant. It brought you into the world. From what your mother tells me, you're a wonderful young lady. If you're willing to, I would like to be apart of your life. If you say no, then I'll understand." Jack said.
"Of course I want you in my life! You're my father, and nothing will change that!" Cream hugged her father.
"And you are my daughter who I love very much." Jack said, hugging her back.
"I love you, too, Dad." Cream said.
The three talked and caught up until Jack left.
For a while, Tails thought about something Jack had said to him.
Flashback, 1 Hour Ago
"So, Tails, how do you feel about my daughter?" Jack asked when the two were alone.
"Well, she's a great person, sweet, caring, beautiful." Tails replied.
"Have you thought about marrying her?"
Tails' face went solid red.
"Marriage? She's only 18!" Tails exclaimed.
"From what I can see, she likes, no, loves you. If you did ask her to marry you, I seriously doubt she'd say no." Jack said.
"W-well, we have been dating for a few years. I don't know, I'll have to think about it." Tails rubbed his shoulder in nervousness.
"Just give it some thought." Jack patted Tails' back. "I'm not forcing you to do anything."
"I know. I'll give it some thought." Tails told Jack.
Present Time
"It has been a few years since we started dating. Could Cream want to get married? I...hmm... Maybe I should talk to Amy about it."

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