A Matter of Time

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Nikki sits at her desk in the Lyell Centre, it's new year's eve and she had, unfortunately, drew the short straw for working the evening shift and being on call through the night.Jack has also drawn the short straw on the forensic side and has decided to keep Nikki company for the evening.
They're both sat at their desks eating pizza which had arrived over an hour ago although they had only just got round to eating it after having to sort an issue with one of the body freezers in the mortuary.Jack glances at Nikki with a smile as she bites into her pizza, her phone pinned between her ear and shoulder. She carefully pulls the pizza from her mouth and wipes the discarded cheese from her chin with a smirk aiming at Jack.
Nikki is on the phone to Matt and has been for the past ten minutes. "...yes Matt, don't worry I will call you after new year's... I'm working... yeah yeah, of course, Thomas would make me work, I'm with Jack at the moment... I know don't worry... look I'm going to go now, I love you... yes Matt that's a promise I love you..." Nikki speaks as she listens to Matt's responses before ending the call.
Nikki sits looking at her phone for a while, "everything okay?" Jack asks curiously watching her.
She keeps her eyes on her phone and fights a few tears that have formed, "nothing, I'm fine. Just hard keeping up a relationship with someone who lives thousands of miles away and then expects you to pick up where we left off when he's on the phone" she explains as she wipes her eyes discreetly.
Jack looks at her sympathetically as he reaches out to get another slice of pizza. "I'm sorry Nikki, I didn't realise it was like that" Jack smiles slightly.
She places her phone down and carries on eating her slice of pizza. "I'm sure I have a bottle of wine hidden in my desk" Nikki speaks as she unlocks the small cabinet under her desk.
"Nikki, we're working, as in we could get called out to a crime scene" Jack smiles at his friend as she places the bottle of wine on her desk before herself. "Should I even ask why that's in your desk?" He adds.
"A relative of someone I did a postmortem on gave it to me, I couldn't exactly turn it down."
Jack chuckles and rolls his eyes at Nikki as she opens the bottle and walks over to the small office kitchen and grabs two mugs from the side. "These will have to do" she speaks as she places them down. "Want some?" She questions as she places the mugs down and starts to pour herself a glass.
He huffs and obliges to the one mug of wine. "You're a bad influence Dr. Alexander" Jack chuckles as Nikki hands him the mug. "A toast?" He suggests.
Nikki sits back down in her chair and looks at him, "to what?" She quizzes."To Tragic long-distance relationship," Jack says and Nikki nods and agrees before the gently touch mugs.
Later that evening Jack and Nikki are sat on the sofa in the staff room with the bottle of wine in front of them, "... seriously I didn't know that about you Nikki" Jack smirks finding himself moving closer to Nikki.
The past couple of hours had been a blast for them both and they both felt they had a stronger friendship. "Yes I have many hidden talents" She giggles and sips her mug of wine.
"I never thought I would be spending New Year's Eve in the world, drinking while on call with a forensic pathologist" Jack speaks as he copies Nikki's actions of sipping the wine.

Jack smiles as he places his mug down on the side and smiles happily at her, He shuffles closer and removes Nikki's mug from her hands, "Jack? what are you doing?" Nikki questions awkwardly. 

Jack smiles and just looks at her before he cups her cheek and leans in and kisses her, Nikki is stunned at first before she relaxes into the kiss. She pulls away from the kiss and looks at Jack in shock, "I'm sorry... You're getting married in three days" Jack speaks completely shocked by his actions. 

Nikki looks at him flushed bright pink, she then throws herself at him and kisses him passionately, Nikki runs her hands up his chest and starts to unbutton as she climbs onto his lap and straddles him, Jack holds her gently and stands up with her around his waist as they kiss passionately in the staffroom. He slams her into the wall as he attempts to undress her with his one hand.  "I... I... I want t-t-to..." Jack stutters nervously.
"Yes Jack, it's fine!" Nikki mutters against his lips as he moves them again and pushes her up against the drink preparation area, narrowly missing the sink which is full of water. 

He manages to pull her jeans off and she begins to mess his the button on his trousers, "Have... you got protection?..." Nikki asks breathlessly as she slides her hand into his trousers and under the elastic of his boxers robbing him of any coherent thought. 

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