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Nikki sits at her desk delicately running her fingers over her bump, it's the day after Jack revealed all to Thomas about Nikki's baby and the true father. She hasn't spoken to Jack since last night and doesn't have any intention to speak to him at all today.

After a while of being in a daze of stroking her bump she stands up and walks over over to the small kitchen area in the offices and flicks the kettle on. She runs her hand over her bump as she waits for the kettle to boil, she hears the office doors automatically open and looks over her shoulder to see Jack and Clarissa.

Jack looks up and across at Nikki and gives her a slight smile although Nikki simply turns away and gets the milk out the fridge.

Clarissa and Jack exchange looks and she nods at him, "I'd go apologise for your actions last night if I were you, you spoke slightly out of terms" she explains to her closest Male friend.

Jack sighs and nods in agreement before walking over to the pregnant female pathologist. "Niks, look I'm..." he begins.

"Don't want to hear it Jack" she buts in as she pours her cup of tea and puts the kettle down.
Jack sighs and runs his hand through his hair, before watching her hold her bump again as she collects her up of tea and heads back to her work station.

Jack looks over in the direction of Clarissa who nods to him and gives him the hand action to keep pushing for the apology. Jack follows her and sits down in front of Nikki but at his own desk. "Nikki, hear me out!" He speaks as he rolls around the corner on his chair to speak to her.

Nikki looks up at Jack and glares at him and then looks down at her notes from a post-mortem and takes a biscuit from a packet and putting it in her mouth.

He then gets up and grabs his jacket and walks out the offices. "Jack where are you going?" Clarissa says calling after him.

Clarissa sighs and then looks over at Nikki, "he's beating himself up over what he said last night" Clarissa speaks softly.
"I know, he deserves too, how can I trust him now, what if he says something in front of Matt!" Nikki speaks.

"Nikki..." Clarissa sighs.
Nikki doesn't reply but carries on working, deep down she loves Jack but right now she couldn't even bring herself to look at him.

Around half an hour later Jack walks back into the offices, "where the hell have you been!" Clarissa speaks.

Jack looks at Clarissa and smiles slightly, "just to the shop" he speaks.
"What during your shift! You're lucky Thomas isn't in today!" Clarissa speaks.

He walks over to his desk and puts the Asda bag down on the desk before pulling out a packet of doughnuts and walking over to Nikki. "These are for you... if you'll forgive me! I'm sorry okay" He smiles.

Nikki looks up at him and then down at the doughnuts before standing up and steps forward towards him. She raises her hand and then slaps him hard around the face before taking the doughnuts from him, "apology accepted" she smiles and sits herself back down with the doughnuts.

Jack holds his cheek and looks at her as he shakes his head. "You're impossible" he smiles.

Nikki smiles and opens the packet before taking a doughnut out. "So I take it Jack knows what you're craving and he's now in your good books" Clarissa speaks from across the room before she leaves.

"I'm so sorry Nik, please forgive me" he speaks as he walks to her side and places his hands on her shoulders. "Let me make it up to you?" He speaks in a slight hushed tone just in case someone is around.

"How?" She asks.
"Come to mine tonight, I'll cook and we can watch a movie" he smiles as he squeezes her shoulders. Nikki lets out a slight moan as he squeezes her shoulders at it feels nice.

"You cook?" She smiles with her eyes close as Jack begins to gently rub her shoulders noticing how much she likes it.
"I can cook!" He says shocked by her response.
"What's that chicken nuggets chez Jack?" She smirks as she bites into her doughnut.

"Fine, how about we order a take away and then you can tell me about how much you've bled Matts bank account of stuff for the baby" he asks causing Nikki to giggle.

"I haven't brought anything yet," she replies to Jacks surprise.
"Okay, well we could always look at stuff?" He speaks running his hand through his hair.

She smiles and runs her hand over her bump before licking the sugar from her thumb, "I'd like that" Nikki smiles. Jack squeezes her shoulders gently and then kisses her head.

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