Kitchen Table

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Nikki sits at her kitchen table looking across at Matt who is sat spreading butter on his toast. He has been in the UK just over three weeks now and Nikki has kept her pregnancy to herself and has told no one as she fears it's too early to be announcing it and also that she believes her pregnancy will come with risks because she's getting older now.

Matt looks up from the toast and picks a piece and takes a bite, "Are you sure you don't want a cup of coffee?" Matt questions his wife who has been picking at dry cereal for the past five minutes.

"I'm fine honestly, I'll stick with some warm peppermint water" Nikki smiles back at her husband.

He chuckles and pours himself a cup of coffee and sits down opposite Nikki, She catches the smell of the coffee and attempts not to gag, she swallows hard and braves through the terrible smell. "What's with you eating dry cereal?" Matt questions.

Nikki just chuckles and looks down at her cereal, "Nothing, Can't I eat my breakfast in peace?" She replies.
Matt continues to eat his breakfast and watches her for a while longer, "Do you want to go for a drink later after work?" Matt smiles.

She looks up once again before getting distracted by her phone and an incoming message from Jack who has text messaged her to see how she is, although recently Nikki hasn't been talking to Jack as much as he wanted her to talk to him because of Matt being with Nikki, and the gentle reminder from a few weeks ago that she is still married to Matt.

Jack secretly misses her though, he knew she was the woman for her although she would never be his, although unaware completely that she may be carrying his baby. "Matt?" Nikki speaks softly as she comes out of her daydream.

"Yeah?" the American replies with a smile.
"What would you do if I got pregnant?" She questions curiously.
"I... what do you mean?" He breathes unevenly.

Nikki tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear and looks at him, "If I got pregnant... would that be something you would want?" She asks.
"Yes, of course, I've told you this before!" Matt smiles.

She takes a deep breath as she suddenly decides to tell him her secret although with one slight difference that the baby is one hundred percent his. She knew if she told him about her recent affair with Jack that it would emotionally break him, considering his closest childhood friend Jonathan had died a few months ago in a plane crash. "Matt" She smiles. He looks up and raises an eyebrow hoping she will speak a little more, "I'm pregnant" Nikki speaks and instantly wonders if that was the right thing to do.

"What! oh my god... this is excellent news!" Matt smiles as he stands from the breakfast table and walks around to her side and wraps his arms around her. He gently plants a kiss on her head and remains in a close embrace with his wife for a little longer. "How far along are you?" He adds.

Nikki thinks to herself for a moment "I'm around eight weeks" She smiles knowing full well she is now thirteen weeks and due to her first scan.
"Our honeymoon right?" He mumbles against her head and she nods.

They remain in an embrace until Nikki's phone ringing draws them apart, she looks down to see an unknown number and decides to answer it as she has been on the phone to her GP and the hospital about having tests ran and a scan booked in. She stands up and takes the call, she answers the call to find out that it's West Middlesex University hospital with a cancellation of an appointment and have offered it to Nikki for the afternoon. She accepts the appointment for her scan and proceeds to take some notes down while Matt is tidying up.

Once the call has ended she proceeds to tell Matt that it was Thomas and she's needed at a crime scene, although she could tell him that its for the scan of the baby but she is scared of how far along she actually is and that the dates wouldn't match up to the time Matt was around.

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