Caught Red Handed

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A while later Nikki emerges from the changing room showers and walks off and pulls her hair out of the messy ponytail, She quickly walks back to the offices and sits down where Clarissa instantly asks her where Jack is, although Nikki just shrugs her shoulders and tells Clarissa that she hasn't seen him for a while.

Clarissa nods slowly and smirks at Nikki who is completely unaware Clarissa had caught them in the shower room together while in search of Jack. Nikki stands and searches her desk for a while as she takes a bite out of another doughnut, "Clarissa?" She speaks with her hand over her mouth. "Have you got a pen I could borrow for a while... Jack has robbed me again" She adds before taking another bite of the doughnut.

Clarissa grabs a pen and throws it over to Nikki and carries on working. Nikki stops and thinks to herself for a moment and gently taps the pen against her bottom lip, "Don't get putting my pen in your dirty mouth! I know exactly where it's been!" She speaks abruptly making Nikki jump who instantly puts the pen down.

"I don't get what you mean!" Nikki speaks trying her hardest not to flush a shade of pink.
"Well, Dr. Alexander I now certainly know that you can suck the chrome off a tailpipe..." the older woman comments causing Nikki not panic slightly. "And from what I could tell a certain male forensic scientist was having the ti-" She is cut off by Nikki.
"I don't know what you think you saw, but you definitely saw it wrong!" Nikki speaks trying to keep herself composed.
Clarissa raises her eyebrows at the younger woman, "If you say so!" She chirps.

As Clarissa finishes her sentence Jack walks back into the room and looks at the two women, "What have I missed?" He says slightly confused noticing that Clarissa is smirking and Nikki as almost turned a shade of red now.

Clarissa looks up at Jack and notices something on his neck, "What's that on your neck, Jack? looks like Nikki's pink lipstick..." She smirks and watches Jack raise his hand to his neck and wipes it thoroughly.

Jack thinks on the spot suddenly and comes out with something that makes Nikki's eyes grow in shock, "I was... erm... asking for Nikki's opinion on my new aftershave!" He smiles quite proud of his quick response.

"You never ask for my opinion on your aftershaves..." Clarissa speaks.
"Oh well Nikki was in earlier so I asked her... she must have banged her lips off my neck, she had to tiptoe" He replies awkwardly hoping Clarissa would buy his response.

Clarissa looks between the two and notices two very different facial expressions, "Jack... you are digging yourself a bigger hole. Looks like you're getting a bit of a Hickey" She responds noticing Jack's face blushing shades of red.

Jack slowly raises his hand to his neck and doesn't reply for a moment, "I don't know what you're talking about" He speaks.
Nikki sighs and looks across at Clarissa who knows everything now, "Give it up, Jack, she knows..." Nikki speaks with embarrassment in her tone.

"Really?" Jack asks.
Clarissa nods and looks at the pair, "You two aren't that discrete..." Clarissa speaks with a smirk causing both Jack and Nikki to look away awkwardly.
"Sorry..." Jack says randomly.
"Sorry? Sorry... she's married for god sake Jack... what were you thinking!" Clarissa says as she explodes at him.

Nikki watches as Clarissa rants to Jack and she helplessly sits there knowing she would kill him if she found out she is pregnant with his child and not Matt's, although she knew exactly what she was thinking and that she isn't happy in her marriage with Matt and is now regretting everything.

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