Feeling Queasy

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Nikki wakes around 2am, feeling rougher than she did when she fell asleep earlier that evening. Nikki realises Jack has fallen asleep beside her but makes no attempt to wake him to ask him to move.
She sits up and looks down at Jack with a sigh before reaching for the glass of water beside her. She sips in gently and closes her eyes for a split second.

She breathes out gently and opens her eyes again before feeling very sick suddenly. She slips out of bed and makes a dash for the bathroom, where she empties her stomach contents into the toilet.

Nikki slips to the floor and manages to flush the toilet as she sits with her back against the bathtub.

After a few minutes she attempts to stand up but finds herself being sick again. This time she gets up and flushes the toilet. Nikki grabs her tooth brush and shakily brushes her teeth.

Nikki weakly walks back to the bedroom and clambers back into bed and falls off into a somewhat comfortable sleep.

She wakes a few more times in the night due to feeling sick of being sick, she eventually manages to settle back down and closes her eyes and cuddles into Jack who hasn't woken at all through Nikki's vomiting sprees. She closes her eyes and then suddenly opens her eyes to her alarm blaring.

She groans and sits up and turns her phone alarm off. She runs her hands over her face and gives a heavy sigh.

Jack stirs beside her and eventually wakes up and sits up beside her. He takes one look at her and shakes his head "you're not going into work today, you look terrible" he speaks.

"No, I'm fine... it's just a bug, it'll pass" she speaks.

"You're shaking Nikki, come on don't be silly you can't work in this state! Once you've got a stomach bug you must be off for 24hours!" Jack protests.

"Don't pull that one on me!" Nikki replies as she takes her glass and finishes off the water.

Jack sighs and looks at her as she places her glass down and breathes unevenly. "We can't have you passing in around though!" He speaks.

"I know that, but you'll probably get it now you've been near me." She looks at him and then climbs out of bed and heads into the bathroom and washes her face and brushes her teeth again.

Jack sighs and climbs out of bed and walks into the bathroom where Nikki has been getting changed ready for work. As he walks in Nikki throws herself over the toilet but gags and nothing comes up. "Nik?" He speaks softly.

"I'm fine... see nothing is coming up" She replies smile a smile as she stands up and pulls her blouse on.

Jack stands and watches her and sighs before getting himself dressed and ready for work.

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