Little things

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Nikki drops Jack back at his flat sometime later, "Thank you for coming with me today Jack, It means so much to me that you're looking out for myself and this little man" Nikki smiles as she pulls up outside his flat.

"Anytime... erm... do you want to come in for a drink?" Jack asks curiously as he looks at the clock on the dashboard.
Nikki then also looks at the clock and thinks to herself for a moment, "Sure... one drink won't hurt, Matt won't be missing me" She smiles as she removes her keys from the ignition, she then removes her seatbelt and gets out the car with Jack, Jack picks up her handbag from the footwell of the car.

They both head into the entrance of the flat block and then head up to the second floor where Jack's flat is situated. Jack unlocks the front door and allows Nikki to head inside, "So, tea or coffee?" Jack asks as he shuts the front door and walks through to the open plan kitchen come lounge.

"tea, please" She smiles.
Jack nods and begins to prepare the drinks for them both, Nikki removes her shoes and jacket and walks over to Jack who is stood by the sink in the kitchen and cuddles Jack from behind her bump causing there to be some distance between them. "hey," He smiles as he instantly turns around to face Nikki.

"Hey yourself, I've missed you" She grins up at him resting her hands on his chest.
"I haven't gone anywhere" He speaks looking confused at her.

She giggles and rests her head on his chest momentarily. "No... I mean us, being able to be together without worrying someone is watching" She smiles.

Jack smiles happily at her, he then leans forwards and kisses her on the lips, "I love you so much" he mumbles against her lips as he gently strokes her cheek.
"I love you too... and so does our little man" Nikki smiles warmly as she looks down at her bump.

Jack feels his heart jump a beat when she says 'our', he then looks down at her, Jack sighs as he looks at her bump, "What's wrong Jack?" Nikki asks as he turns back around to pour the boiling water into the mugs.

"Doesn't matter" Jack speaks as he watches Nikki walk to his refrigerator and grabs the milk, he smirks as he watches Nikki open the milk and sniff it like normal and then passes it to him.
"Jack it does matter, you matter to me, our baby needs a proper father figure" Nikki adds.

"But he's got Matt, I'll just be forgotten about... will he even know who I am or will I just be known as Jack the man that Mummy works with? because If that's the case I will just request a transfer from Thomas" Jack replies.

Nikki gasps and frowns at Jack, "No Jack, you're not going to manipulate me like that... my son... our son will know you are his Dad I promise you. Look I just need to get out of this mess first."

Nikki takes her cup of tea and walks over to his sofa leaving Jack stood in the kitchen area. Jack grabs his cup of coffee and then walks over to the sofa and sits down beside Nikki. He places his arm around her and pulls her close, "I'm sorry Nikki, I am sorry... I'm such an arse" He speaks.

She laughs and instantly lets it brush off, she rests against his chest and sits there in comfortable silence, "I wish we could be like this all the time... but I've got to go home to Matt..." She sighs with sadness in her tone.

"Stay a little while longer... anyway I've got you a present" He speaks as he strokes her hair.

Nikki raises an eyebrow as she sits up and looks at him, his hand is still tangled in her hair, "What? you shouldn't have" She smiles slightly.

Jack removes his hand from her hair and goes into his bedroom and comes out with a small bag, "Here" He says as he throws the bag at her.

"What's this" She laughs curiously.
"Open it" Jack smirks.

Nikki looks up at him and laughs, she opens the bag and smiles as she pulls out the small set of clothing, "From the football club itself..." Jack smiles proudly.
"Oh Jack, I guess he's going to be a fan of Thames city?" Nikki smiles.
"Yes and when he is old enough he can come to the games with me and we could even get him into a junior football club for a weekend hobby?" Jack speaks as he sits back down beside her.

"I love you Jack" She laughs as she leans in to kiss him.

Jack runs his hand through her hair and pulls her closer as he begins to kiss her passionately, He stands up and then gently picks her up with him and continues to kiss her, he pushes her up the wall careful not to squish her in the process and continues to kiss her passionately before he manages to guide her into his bedroom as she attempts to pull his top off.

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